The Limited Times

Incest: "The threshold of 18 years will have to be reviewed", estimates Adrien Taquet

1/6/2022, 8:01:46 PM

The Secretary of State for Children, Adrien Taquet, is in favor of a "clear ban" on incest, which is not a "question of age" or ...

The Secretary of State for Children, Adrien Taquet, is in favor of a "

clear prohibition

" of incest, which is not a "

question of age

" or "


", suggesting to review the threshold of 18 years prescribed by law.

Read also What the first 6,200 testimonies received by the commission on incest reveal

From my point of view, this threshold of 18 years will have to be reviewed.

Whatever the age, one does not have sexual relations with his father, his son or his daughter

”, declared the Secretary of State in an interview with AFP.

Under the law of April 21, 2021, adopted after the turmoil caused by the book "

La familia grande

" by Camille Kouchner published a year ago, the judge no longer seeks to assess consent in sexual relations between a young person of under 18 and an ascendant.

"Signals must be clear"


The law is to issue clear prohibitions in society: incest is prohibited and it is not a question of age, it is not a question of consenting adults

", argues Adrien Taquet. “

We fight against incest, the signals must be clear. This raises technically complicated legal questions, including the relationship between an adult girl and her stepfather, for example. This question should be carefully studied by the Ciivise

”(Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence against Children), he added.

Adrien Taquet stressed that "

since this start of the school year, all academies and all school directors have been instructed to set up a detection of sexual violence


While the associations demand that information meetings on sexual violence be organized in all schools, he regretted the absence of "

a national association able to go to all classes in France to talk about this.


Read alsoIncest: a call for witnesses to "fight against silence"


Associations are faced with difficulties entering schools: some school leaders may be resistant to these subjects being discussed in front of children, these are subjects that frighten, not only the educational community, parents too

, ”he notes. "

They want to be sure that the professionals will know how to react if a child claims to be a victim

", explains Adrien Taquet while the government has been labeling for a year "

the associations that intervene in this field so that school heads know who they are. can apply

”. The government is also carrying out this work with the Association of Mayors of France (AMF). "

The mayors intervene on extra-curricular time, it is necessary to activate all the levers, given the depth of the evil

”, argues the Secretary of State.