The Limited Times

Omicron|Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor called on Cathay Pacific’s chairman to follow the rules and the family members were diagnosed. Who should be held accountable?

1/6/2022, 8:14:06 PM

Omicron, a variant of the new crown virus, broke out globally. Two flight attendants and one flight attendant of Cathay Pacific violated regulations during home isolation after they arrived in Hong Kong. This triggered a dancing group in Wangyue Tower and Victoria Park. The whole society paid a heavy price for this.

Omicron, a variant of the new crown virus, broke out globally. Two flight attendants and one flight attendant of Cathay Pacific violated regulations during home isolation after they arrived in Hong Kong. This triggered a dancing group in Wangyue Tower and Victoria Park. The whole society paid a heavy price for this.

Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor said yesterday (5th) that he had summoned Cathay Pacific’s chairman and chief executive officer "Zhao Lung" on New Year's Eve, stating that they need to "take the responsibility of corporate leadership."

In addition to the group triggered by the two Cathay Pacific crews, there is actually a third one, which also has second-generation transmission.

Yesterday, two confirmed cases were listed as having an epidemiological connection with the imported case. They live in the Haven Court, Discovery Bay, and they are another Cathay Pacific Airbus (No. 12610, 46 years old) who was confirmed as confirmed on the 28th of last month. Live with family.

In addition to the designated test during the first three days of arrival, the occupant was staying at home according to the Department of Health and the test result was positive on the third day.

His house did not violate the guidelines during the quarantine period, but it caused the family members to be diagnosed. The policy established by Cathay Pacific and the government harmed the people. Who can they hold accountable to?

▼Wangyue Building was suspended last year on 12.30. Staff from the Health Protection Center attended the scene to take samples▼


Cathay Pacific adopts two operating modes under the epidemic situation to ensure that no personnel will be infected due to quarantine and exemption.

The first is the closed-loop mode. The crew of the airliner worked continuously for 21 days, staying in the designated hotel in Hong Kong during this period, and did not enter the community. After completing the work on the 21st day, they were isolated in the hotel for 14 days and tested negative before returning to the community.

Since the cargo plane crew only deals with the cargo, the authorities agree that the risk of infection is low, so they are allowed to go home directly after arriving in Hong Kong for medical surveillance, and only need to be tested regularly.

Cathay Pacific asked to strictly observe the epidemic prevention guidelines when the crew was outside the station.

The closed-loop mode was trapped for 35 days before and after it was not welcomed by employees. Cathay Pacific therefore has a "passenger plane going, cargo plane returning" plan to allow the original passenger plane crew to change their status as the cargo plane crew when they return to Hong Kong, thereby exempting the hotel from quarantine. There is no need to follow a closed-loop operation, I believe the relevant government departments to approve.

After the Omicron epidemic in Europe and the United States, it remains unchanged. It is undoubtedly the opening of the door to wait for the virus to enter the community.

Cathay Pacific flight attendants infected with the disease did not have immediate detection and missed the opportunity to reverse

The 45-year-old vacancies in Shek Tong Tsui (No. 12609) and the 44-year-old vacancies in Tuen Mun (No. 12611), which caused the Omicron epidemic in Hong Kong, violated Cathay Pacific’s guidelines and met in different districts within the first three days of arrival in Hong Kong and went out to eat, resulting in Festival Walk Wangyuelou group.

As for the 28-year-old flight attendant (No. 12676), she tested negative on the third day of returning to Hong Kong, that is, on December 29 last year. On the same day, she illegally left her home in Nantian Building, North Point, and moved to her friend's home in Block 6, Ying Tao Heen, Ying Wan Garden, Tung Chung. Staying temporarily, she developed symptoms that night, but she did not seek medical treatment in a public hospital as soon as possible due to her high risk level. Instead, she consulted a private doctor the next day. After that, she submitted a saliva sample for testing. Therefore, the authorities did not go until January 1st. After receiving the positive result, it was three days late, too late. The 62-year-old mother who was infected early and was in the incubation period danced and ate with friends in Victoria Park on December 30 and 31, spreading the virus and forming " Victoria Park Dance Group".

▼1.1 Inspection of the closed area of ​​Nantian Building in North Point▼


▼1.1 Inspection of the closed area of ​​Block 6 of Ying Tao Heen, Phase II of Tung Chung Ying Wan Garden▼


Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor: The crew did not pay a huge price for the society according to the quarantine arrangement

Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor said yesterday that when she announced the tightening of anti-epidemic measures, the top leaders of Cathay Pacific including the chairman and chief executive officer were summoned on December 31 last year. The staff of the organization team did not follow the arrangements of the SAR government for quarantine work. This is a violation of regulations. Therefore, as the highest level of the company, I have already said that although he may not know the behavior of every employee, he must be responsible. The enterprise is responsible for the same leadership, so it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive investigation and report to the government, and at the same time to take appropriate punishments internally.” She said that the investigation is still pending. “We will finish the report and study the legal basis. follow up."

Women and teenagers living in the homes of Discovery Bay’s first 3 days were infected

Patient number 12610, who was listed as a confirmed case on December 28 last year, showed that even if the guidelines are followed, the risk is not reduced.

The patient is a 46-year-old Cathay Pacific student. Zhang Zhujun, director of the Infectious Diseases Division of the Center for Health Protection and Health Protection of the Department of Health, said at the epidemic press conference that he lived with his family in Xixin Pavilion, Fengfeng, Discovery Bay, and took the ride on the 25th of this month. The cargo plane CX843 arrived in Hong Kong from the United States and mainly stayed at home after returning to Hong Kong. It was tested in Discovery Bay on the 26th of this month and the result was negative. The next day, it took a boat from Discovery Bay to Shek Tong Tsui Stadium for a designated test. Going home by boat at about 11 am, this is his main activity.

The sample on that day was positive. He was asymptomatic and had N501Y and T478K mutant virus strains. Both were suspected to be Omicron cases at the time, and were subsequently confirmed.

This vacant activity did not violate Cathay Pacific guidelines and was not passed on to outsiders, but his family members were recruited. The Department of Health announced yesterday that the confirmed cases 12786 and 12787 were the same family members of case 12610, each being a 57-year-old housewife. With a 16-year-old boy, they have not traveled abroad recently.

▼November 21, Discovery Bay Xuhui Court closed area inspection▼


The risk of infection of hard food in the same household will be spread again in the community

This crew member is at a great risk of home isolation. When the virus's infectious power increases, and the employees concerned have been to an epidemic country, they may be recruited before returning to Hong Kong. When they arrive in Hong Kong, they enter the community directly, which is no defense.

If they are self-disciplined and live on their own, even if they later become ill, the risk of spreading drugs is lower. However, the reality is that there are often other family members in their homes. When Omicron has been provoked, it is easy to pass on to their family members, and the latter do not need to abide by the stay-at-home order. There is a risk of spreading drugs when going out for high-risk activities such as eating meals, just like the case of the mother who lives with the Cathay Pacific flight attendant number 12676 (number 12754).

Fortunately, this young man living in Discovery Bay was diagnosed on the third day, and his family was sent to the Penny's Bay Quarantine Center, where they tested positive after being isolated for a few days.

Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor accused the crew members of “not following the SAR government’s arrangements for quarantine work”, but apparently even if they follow the guidelines and prevail in Omicron without doing anything, the virus can spread to the community through the crew’s family members sooner or later, just like In Russian roulette, the shot at Discovery Bay was empty, but the flight attendant at North Point fired live ammunition, which was out of control.

The loopholes in the policy have to pay for the whole society. Whom can the family members of the epidemic-affected airmen be held accountable to?

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