The Limited Times

Renewal of passport, alimony ... Certain administrative procedures soon to be simplified

1/6/2022, 8:55:47 PM

This concerns in particular the use of complementary health insurance (C2S), the payment of alimony or the renewal of passports.

A “


” for the administration, but also for the users.

A law adopted Tuesday at the National Assembly now allows the different administrations to exchange information between them, with the stated aim of simplifying the lives of citizens.

Automatic payment or allocation of certain aids, sending of SMS or reminder or information letters ... The first effects of this law, called "


" (for differentiation, decentralization and deconcentration) will be felt in the coming weeks .

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Le Figaro

, the Ministry of Transformation and the Public Service has detailed the timetable for the application in 2022 of several measures, permitted by this text, and more precisely by its article 50.

To read also "Nightmare", "absurd procedures" ... In the Kafkaesque jungle of the digitization of public services

Solidarity complementary health insurance (C2S)

In order to fight against non-recourse, the complementary solidarity health (C2S) will now be automatically allocated to beneficiaries of the RSA.

A measure entered into force on January 1.

As for the beneficiaries of the solidarity allowance for the elderly (ASPA), they will be informed, as of April 1, that they are potentially eligible for this aid.


In order to put an end to unpaid maintenance payments, the government plans to make systematic recourse to the Alimony Recovery and Intermediation Agency (Aripa), managed by CAF, to secure their payment - unless the separated parents oppose it by mutual agreement.

This measure will be implemented in two stages: first, on March 1, for only divorce judgments fixing alimony, then, on January 1, 2023, for all other court decisions involving alimony as well as divorces by mutual consent.

College and high school scholarships

From the start of the 2022 school year, the parents of one or more children enrolled in college or high school will automatically be informed of the existence of grants based on social criteria.


Ultimately, the objective is to proactively target all eligible persons

", explains one to the office of the Minister of Transformation and the Public Service Amélie de Montchalin.

Passport renewal

If municipal identity document renewal services are now overcrowded, with increasingly long waiting times, it is in part because of procedures carried out at the last minute.

To solve this problem, the French will soon be alerted by SMS of the impending expiry of their passport, so that they can anticipate their renewal.

It will be sent to them six months before the fateful date.

This initiative will be launched in the first half of 2022. Ultimately, identity card renewal will also be affected.

Change of address on the electoral roll

After a move, it is mandatory to notify your change of address to the Ministry of the Interior so that it can be changed on the registration certificate of your vehicle.

A new service was launched at the end of 2021, which reminds the users concerned, by email, that they must also make this change of address for the electoral lists, and this with their town hall.

Read alsoThe government simplifies administrative procedures for companies

Other measures in the pipeline

The administrative simplifications presented above only constitute "

a first round of procedures

", one indicates to the cabinet of Amélie de Montchalin.

The ministry is working on other measures, the progress of which could be stopped by the expiry of the presidential election next April.

This is the case, for example, with automatic eligibility for the MaPrimeRénov 'scheme for beneficiaries of the energy voucher.