The Limited Times

UK: These are the populations in which recoverers continue to suffer from symptoms Israel today

1/6/2022, 9:13:48 PM

The Government Bureau of Statistics in the United Kingdom published on Thursday an in-depth segmentation of the "Long Cubid" phenomenon, as well as a comprehensive estimate of its dimensions • 64% said they have difficulty functioning on a daily basis, some reported hair loss and kidney problems

Although it has long been known that corona virus effects continue to affect the body even after recovery, yesterday (Thursday) it became clear in the UK how common the phenomenon - known as "Long Cubid" - is among the population. 

The Government Bureau of Statistics has revealed that according to an analysis of the data in its possession, which are based on reports of recovering patients, at least 1.3 million British residents suffer from continued symptoms even though they have managed to overcome the virus and are not hospitalized or in need of regular treatment. 

This is 2% percent of the population in the country and the most common symptom reported is chronic fatigue.

In addition shortness of breath and difficulty concentrating.

Also, 64% of those suffering from the phenomenon indicated that the symptoms impair their ability to function properly at the daily level.

About 20% indicated that the symptoms impair function in a "major" way.

Among other things, they reported depression, hair loss, kidney function problems and a change in the sense of smell and taste. 

According to the published report, the segmentation of the recovering populations of recovering symptoms shows that the phenomenon is particularly prevalent among the following groups: people aged 35 to 69, women, workers in education or the health sector, and people with background illnesses.

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It should be noted, however, that this does not mean which populations are most likely to experience the phenomenon, because this is not a scientifically proven causality.

According to some studies, it can be estimated that about 10% of those who have had mild symptoms will suffer after their recovery from "Long Cubid."

But other studies have shown that the figure may actually be 35%. 


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