The Limited Times

A strong sign of life for the gladiators

1/7/2022, 9:32:12 PM

A strong sign of life for the gladiators Created: 01/07/2022Updated: 01/07/2022, 10:30 PM By: Wolfgang Krzizok Fight for every inch of ice: Here Dominik Wagner (r.) From Erdingen is chasing Daniel Troglauer from Amberg. © Christian Riedel At last the Erding Gladiators were rewarded once again for their self-sacrificing struggle. On Friday evening there was a deserved 3-0 (0-0, 3-0, 0-0) succes

A strong sign of life for the gladiators

Created: 01/07/2022Updated: 01/07/2022, 10:30 PM

By: Wolfgang Krzizok

Fight for every inch of ice: Here Dominik Wagner (r.) From Erdingen is chasing Daniel Troglauer from Amberg.

© Christian Riedel

At last the Erding Gladiators were rewarded once again for their self-sacrificing struggle.

On Friday evening there was a deserved 3-0 (0-0, 3-0, 0-0) success for the team of coach Thomas Vogl against the ERSC Amberg.


- It just doesn't tear off with the gladiators. There were only 14 field players on the game report, so not even three complete blocks. Compared to the first leg against Amberg on Wednesday, Marko Babic, Wassilij Guft-Sokolov and Michael Trox were canceled at short notice. Sebastian Busch was there again. The Wild Lions did not arrive with the best line-up, but at least they could muster two more field players.

And that the Wild Lions are currently bursting with self-confidence, you could see that in the first few minutes when they dominated the game and had two good chances through Felix Köbele (4th) and Marco Pronath (6th), but Erding's goalkeeper Christoph Schedlbauer was both times on the post. Slowly, however, the hosts got better into the game and put pressure on them for their part. Sebastian Busch put in a strong solo, but had bad luck in the end (11th), and Florian Zimmermann narrowly failed (13th). Then Philipp Michl had the Erdinger lead on the bat, but ERSC keeper Timon Bätge parried (18th), and so it went goalless into the first break.

After the change, the Gladiators had to survive a few anxious minutes, because just as they were outnumbered, the next player marched onto the penalty bench. But even in these two minutes, the Wild Lions did not achieve much constructive action. And as soon as the Erdinger were complete again, they were allowed to cheer, because after Zimmermann's pass, defender Roni Rukajärvi was 1-0 successful (27th). The goal gave the hosts a boost, and four minutes later it was 2-0 - after a hit that made them snap. Rukajärvi played a perfect pass from his own goal to the opposing blue line, Zimmermann took the puck just as perfectly, and then gave the goalkeeper no chance. The gladiators followed suit, and again just three minutes later Busch was outnumbered to make it 3-0.But the Ambergers were far from defeated, and keeper Schedlbauer had to prove his skills a few times.

In the final section, the fight continued for every inch of ice.

The Wild Lions tried everything, but the Gladiators had the game under control and an answer for everything.

So the Gladiators easily played the win home and could even afford a missed penalty from Michl.



Goals / Assists:

1-0 (27th) Rukajärvi (Zimmermann, Michl), 2-0 (31st) Zimmermann (Rukajärvi), 3-0 (34th) Busch (Zimmermann, Waldhausen / 5-4) -


Michael Fischer -


380 -

penalty minutes:

Erding 12, Amberg 13

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