The Limited Times

A lawsuit at first glance: Itamar Ami demands a quarter of a million shekels Israel today

1/13/2022, 4:28:57 PM

The reality show "Wedding at First Sight" demands that he be compensated in a huge amount following criticism that was voiced towards him during the broadcast of the season starring him • All the details and the reaction of the defendants

Itamar Ami, a "married man", is suing the "Political Reading" website and the reporter Shani Kedar, for a quarter of a million shekels.

This follows a critical post written during the season broadcast of "Wedding at First Sight" starring him.

"Almost every scene between Itamar and Karin makes me cringe," the post said at the time.

"His (and his friends') need to diminish it (his partner, A.S.) just screams from the screen.

"Almost every sentence of it is either a stick or a carrot, and it twists to please him in the name of 'the process'."

Itamar and Karin in "Wedding at First Sight", Photo: Courtesy of Keshet 12

The post also pointed an accusing finger at others who take part in the program: "It's trying to advise Karin what to do to win it. Ugh. Ugh."

In "Political Calls" they were surprised by the lawsuit and claim that it is a silence lawsuit: "Many then remember that post, many and many then thanked us for that post. In that post, Shani managed to do what we do politically for many years - use the current conversation in the country to To point out a significant phenomenon in the lives of women. "

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"She posted a TV review of a popular series and pointed out that we see on our screen what looks like the beginning of an unhealthy relationship and that we should pay attention to it, not quietly go over the issue to the agenda," the website claims.

"Shani's post went viral. Thousands of women in the country identified with him and felt he described their experience, many were angry at him and thought he was misinterpreting the behavior on screen. What matters is that he led a conversation about a phenomenon that has no name, it made men and women think "Again on their conduct in relationships, he promoted our understanding of issues essential to the lives and security of women in the country. It turns out that Itamar Ami does not think so and now he is suing us."

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