The Limited Times

Compared to previous waves: Decrease in connected to Acme | Israel today

1/13/2022, 9:34:48 PM

The reason: The home hospitalization system helps relieve the burden in the hospitals • Department managers: "Omicron symptoms are mild from the delta; most patients are severe - not vaccinated"

The corona virus was discovered in Israel about two years ago, but now verified records are broken every day and hundreds of doctors are in isolation.

The directors of the corona wards in Israel do not lose their temper and report that the number of patients connected to Acme has decreased significantly from previous discoveries, and that the home hospitalization system alleviates the workload in the wards.

"Most of the patients who come to the hospital are in a critical condition - most of them are not vaccinated," reports Prof. Stephen Melnik, director of the corona department at Kaplan Medical Center. He said, "In the current wave we have treatment options that did not exist in previous waves, and there are efforts to prevent serious illness. If in the beginning we were hospitalizing patients in a mild condition, today there is treatment provided in the community, alongside home hospitalization. This means less workload. "Risk factors are treated in the community, reducing the risk of getting sick. In addition, in some cases, the disease is prevented from deteriorating, requiring a connection to a respirator or Acme device."

Prof. Dror Mevorach, director of the Corona and Internal Medicine Department B at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, adds: "98 percent of our corona patients are omicron, there are fewer respirators among omicron patients, and at the moment there is no one on Acmo. Patients at omicron probably recover faster. Also, there are quite a few vaccinated and recovering people who have been infected with Omicron. "

"Omicron is a milder disease," he said.

Dr. Amir Alimi, head of the corona at the English Hospital in Nazareth, also reports that the symptoms of Omicron patients are milder than those of Delta patients: "Patients report less fever, cough and loss of sense of taste."

However, he emphasizes that "there is no unequivocal research answer to the question of whether the omicron causes more severe disease than the Delta. The load in the corona department is noticeable, but they need less oxygen."

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