The Limited Times

Housewives' cry: "We are being vaccinated" Israel today

1/13/2022, 9:47:08 PM

Long-term care insureds, who were interested in receiving a fourth vaccine at home or helping with mobility, responded in the negative • HMO managements: "Assistance to them has not changed, including the vaccines"

The health system is making efforts to vaccinate people aged 60 and over and people with background diseases in the fourth dose against corona, but it seems that 105,000 homeless people have been left behind.

Whereas in previous vaccination operations the HMOs came to homes or sent ambulances to fetch the captives, now these insureds claim that they are not getting an answer.

MK Ofir Katz said: "It is sad to discover that a weak, at-risk population has to face difficulties in order to do a basic thing - to save its life." The issue will be discussed by the health committee.

In a conversation between a nursing insured and one of the branches in the United Health Insurance Fund, he was told that "at the moment we do not have the option of vaccinating in homes, only in the clinics themselves.

I encourage you to talk to a nurse in charge. "

It is not possible to get the vaccine out of the clinic, the person must be brought in a vehicle and stored at the entrance to the clinic. "In the latter case, the nurse asked the insured to contact the home care unit to try to help him.

MK Ofir Katz, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

In the same application at one of Clalit's health insurance branches, the nurse explained: "We do not vaccinate at home.

You can go to the clinic or ask a nurse to come out to vaccinate him in the vehicle. "

The vaccine is given through MDA: "An ambulance is sent home, the patient is taken and returned. At the moment, they are not coming home to be vaccinated."

MK Ofir Katz claimed: "In the first vaccinations, the government launched a wide-ranging vaccination of housebound vaccines, with the understanding that everyone must be reached.

It is a pity that the current government ignores this omission as well.

I submitted a request for an urgent discussion to the Health Committee. "

However, a Clalit insured, whose mother and aunt are confined to the house and have not yet been vaccinated in the third dose due to the family's deliberations, said: "Clalit told us to send an ambulance home."

In addition, Meuhedet stated that they had already vaccinated the housewives two weeks ago, and that 17% had already been vaccinated (as of a week ago, MI).

We point out to teams that need to reach out to homeless people, and we take the opportunity to get vaccinated against the flu as well. "

She added: "Every home-bound person has a maternity clinic, which takes care of all the vaccines, including the corona vaccine. In some of the districts there is a 'captive vaccine patrol', and they are trying to concentrate some patients and switch between them and vaccinate."

The Maccabi Health Insurance Fund stated: "As part of the preparation and response to particularly high demands for the fourth vaccine dose, we are also prepared in dedicated teams for administering the vaccine to insects in their homes.

"About 125,000 people confined to the house received a third vaccine and are expected to receive the fourth dose of the vaccine."

A national health insurance fund said: "We treat the captive population as we did in previous vaccinations, help transport them to the vaccine sites and store them in their homes."

Were we wrong?


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