The Limited Times

“Human losses” in Turkish raids in Iraq targeting the PKK, announce the Kurdish authorities

2/1/2022, 9:06:53 PM

The Turkish air force carried out aerial bombardments on Tuesday February 1 in northern Iraq against positions of the rebels of the Workers' Party...

Turkish air force carried out aerial bombardments in northern Iraq on Tuesday (February 1st) against rebel positions of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), authorities in the autonomous region of Kurdistan of Iraq announced. “

human losses


Read alsoIraq: a new member of the peshmergas killed in an area held by the PKK

Turkish fighter planes targeted several positions of PKK fighters

”, a Turkish Kurdish rebel movement, particularly in the regions of Makhmour and Sinjar, said the press release from the Kurdistan anti-terrorist services, which does not, however, specify how many people were killed. been killed or injured.