The Limited Times

Brazil: strong emotion after the murder of a Congolese in Rio

2/1/2022, 10:24:10 PM

The brutal murder of a young man from the Democratic Republic of Congo beaten to death on a beach in Rio de Janeiro...

The brutal murder of a young man from the Democratic Republic of Congo beaten to death on a beach in Rio de Janeiro has sparked outrage in Brazil, where celebrities have paid tribute to him.

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Moïse Kabagambe, 24, was killed on January 24 near a kiosk on Barra da Tijuca beach where he worked. According to testimonies from his family, he was beaten up after demanding payment of two days' unpaid wages.

“He wanted his money before he went home and the kiosk manager wouldn't pay him. They argued, the manager took a stick to hit him and Moïse grabbed a chair to defend himself,”

his brother Sammy Kabagambe, 28, who also lives in Rio, told AFP.

According to him, the manager then rounded up other individuals who hit him for many minutes with sticks and a baseball bat.

To neutralize Moses, his attackers also tied his wrists and ankles with rope.

Images of unbearable violence filmed by a surveillance camera released on Tuesday by the newspaper

O Globo

show the young man on the ground, while at least three men are hounding him.

The end of the video shows one of the attackers trying to resuscitate him, in vain, after having beaten him.

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On social networks, many personalities have condemned this crime.

"I cried today reading the story of the murder of Moïse Mujenyi Kabagambe (...) The fact that the kiosk is called Tropicalia only accentuates my pain

," tweeted singer Caetano Veloso, one of the cantors. of tropicalism, a cultural movement that


Brazilian music in the 1960s

. of Flamengo, the city's most popular football club.

According to local media, an individual appeared at a police station on Tuesday to confess to having participated in the murder.

“An expertise was carried out on site and the images from the security cameras will be analyzed

,” said the Rio police in an email sent to AFP.

Read alsoBrazil: indignation after the death of a black man beaten up by white vigilantes

Moïse Kabagambe arrived in Brazil with part of his family in 2011, fleeing the armed conflict that has raged for decades in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

"We fled the DRC not to be killed, but my son was killed here, as people are killed in my country, (...) like an animal

," said his mother, in a testimony collected by

O Globo
