The Limited Times

Presidential 2022: "Marion Maréchal does not betray, it's politics", considers Zemmour

2/1/2022, 10:18:23 PM

While several clues converge towards a future rallying of Marine Le Pen's niece to the Reconquest candidate, this one understands but puts the resentment of the RN contender into perspective.

The taking of war would be so strong for him that it is the subject of beautiful media declarations.


Marion Maréchal is an old friend, she's a wonderful, intelligent woman

", launches Éric Zemmour on Tuesday evening on France 2 which has "

seen the images of the clashes between Marion and her aunt.

“While the former deputy of Vaucluse indicated last week to


that she could join the campaign of the candidate of Reconquest – to the chagrin of the candidate RN -, Éric Zemmour prepares the ground and tries to soften personal relations sometimes explosive.

To discover

  • Yves Thréard presents Le Club Le Figaro Presidentielle, our new political program

  • Follow the latest news on Eric Zemmour's campaign on the Figaro app

  • Follow the latest news on Marine Le Pen's campaign on the Figaro app

Read alsoÉric Zemmour takes his bail overseas at the National Rally

These are emotional sufferings, I really sympathize and I understand the difficulty very well

”, he recognizes while Marine Le Pen could suffer this new affront in the coming weeks.

According to him, Marion Maréchal "

does not betray, it's politics


Because if “

Marine Le Pen considers that as a betrayal, it is not betrayal.


Read alsoMarine Le Pen pushes the undecided of his camp tempted by Éric Zemmour towards the door

Continuing his reasoning, Éric Zemmour specifies "

that in 2017, Marine Le Pen had said that Marion Maréchal would not be in his government because she did not conform to his ideas... Marion Maréchal does not have the same ideas as Marine Le Pen, she has a different line, she has a different conception of France, a different conception of the economy...


Marion Maréchal “very close” to Zemmour

If the two personalities are part of the same family, "

they are political women

", considers Éric Zemmour who insists that the director of Issep is

"very close"

to him. Without however advancing on a possible rallying, the nationalist suitor, who does not want to begin to distribute the stations, like Valérie Pécresse - "

I do not have these Chiraquian methods

" -, will be "

very happy

" if the granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen joined him. And this, to build his famous union of rights - from LR to RN.

For the past few days, Éric Zemmour has somewhat reversed a trend that was hostile to him in the polls.

In the latest Ifop survey for LCI, Paris Match, and Sud Radio, it totals 14% - an increase of 2.5 points since last week.

After rallies from the ranks of LR but especially from the RN, several personalities are regularly quoted in the press such as Marion Maréchal or MEP Nicolas Bay.

Read alsoMarine Le Pen pushes the undecided of his camp tempted by Éric Zemmour towards the door

A few hours after her niece's interview with

Le Figaro,

Marine Le Pen tried on Saturday in Madrid to reorganize her troops:

“those who want to leave should leave.

But they are leaving now (...).

Because what is unbearable is the taqiya for which they themselves reproach the Islamists.