The Limited Times

Presidential 2022: the Sages validate the first sponsorships of the candidates

2/1/2022, 7:42:07 PM

Until the presidential election, the Constitutional Council will publish the list of validated signatures twice a week.

None has passed the 500 signature mark.

The Constitutional Council published a first count of sponsorships late Tuesday afternoon.

Until the proclamation of the names of the candidates for the presidential election on March 7, the Elders will publish the list of validated sponsorships every Tuesday and Thursday at the end of the afternoon.

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500 signatures: where are the candidates?

At the head of the polls, Emmanuel Macron is also the one who obtains the most signatures: 105 in all.

Among the sponsors of the President of the Republic, there are members of the government and in particular, the Minister for Overseas Sébastien Lecornu and the Minister Delegate in charge of Integration Brigitte Klinkert.

But also, the mayor of Toulon Hubert Falco, ex-LR who joined the party of Édouard Philippe Horizons.

Behind Emmanuel Macron then comes the Socialist Party candidate Anne Hidalgo who collects 48 signatures. As a reminder, Benoît Hamon had obtained 184 in 2017, during the same period. On the right, Valérie Pécresse comes in third position with 34 signatures. Five years ago, the candidate of the Republicans François Fillon was the first candidate to cross the bar of 500 sponsorships after having collected 738. However, for Valérie Pécresse as for Anne Hidalgo, the quest for signatures should not present obstacles because both parties have a large pool of elected officials.

On the side of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the collection of signatures is far from easy.

And for good reason: unlike 2017, the Insoumis cannot count on the support of the elected representatives of the French Communist Party who this time support the candidate Fabien Roussel.

Thus, Jean-Luc Mélenchon collects for this first salvo 14 signatures against 30 for Roussel.

“Unacceptable contempt”

Christiane Taubira, however winner of the popular Primary, does not collect any votes for the moment.

His competitor the ecologist Yannick Jadot obtains 11.

In the nationalist camp, which has three candidates, it is the leader of the Reconquête!

Éric Zemmour who collects the most sponsorships: 14, in total.

A majority comes from mayors of municipalities with less than 500 inhabitants.

For a few weeks now, the nationalist candidate has intended to win over voters in peripheral France.

Eric Zemmour has also recently offered a scholarship of 10,000 euros for any new birth in rural France.

He is closely followed by the candidate of Debout la France Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (10 sponsorships).

Marine Le Pen begins with 2 signatures, as many as the Animalist Party candidate Hélène Thouy.

Jean Lassalle gets 15.

These first results mark a new stage in the sponsorship battle which, in recent days, has intensified. Monday evening, Sophie Grech, elected RN, announced that she was signing candidate Éric Zemmour. For his part, Jean-Luc Mélenchon fiercely responded to the invitation to the gathering of Christiane Taubira.

“I believed you when you regretted the number of applications. You now add yours

, ”he wrote to her by text message. Before claiming

“the immediate cessation of calls to block sponsorships. It is an unacceptable contempt”.

On social networks, many elected officials, in particular macronists, have staged their form or letter of dispatch to the Constitutional Council.

Images that the PS candidate Anne Hidalgo has also made sure to relay almost systematically on Twitter.

The initials collection period ends on March 4 at 6 p.m.

Finally, it should be noted that elected officials who have given their sponsorship must represent at least 30 departments.

No more than 10% of them may come from the same territory.

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