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Report: NSO Offers "Bags of Cash" Reward Access to Global Cellular Network | Israel today

2/1/2022, 7:30:20 PM

According to a post in the Washington Post, representatives of the Israeli cyber giant allegedly offered a bribe to a senior member of Mobilium. But if it was done - it was in humor "

Representatives of the Israeli cyber giant NSO allegedly offered a bribe to a senior member of the American company "Mobilium" in exchange for entering the global mobile network, according to a report published tonight (Tuesday) in the "Washington Post".

According to an investigation published in the American newspaper, which was based on information from corruption exporter Gary Miller, a former senior member of Mobilium, who is in talks with the US Department of Justice, huge sums were offered in August 2017 in exchange for accessing the SS7 network. On mobile phones around the world.

U.S. Congressman Ted Leo provided the information in a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice, which is currently addressing the issue.

"The implications for the privacy of Americans and the implications for America's national security on the part of the NSO Group are enormous and worrying," a member of the House of Representatives wrote in his letter.

NSO offices, Photo: Photo: AFP

"NSO was particularly interested in cellular networks," Miller said at one of his meetings with Justice Department officials.

"They explicitly stated that their product was intended to track and monitor the 'bad guys' and not the 'good guys'."

Miller added that "bags of cash" were offered to Omri Lavie, the company's CEO. "We will leave bags of cash in your office," Lavie allegedly told Miller at a conference call the two allegedly held in 2017.

A spokesman for Lavi said in a statement that "no business has been conducted with Mobilium.

As you may recall, NSO has recently made headlines around the world, after it was revealed that police officials followed Israelis, including mayors and their families, using NSO's "Pegasus" spyware, without the approval of legal sources.

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