The Limited Times

Covid: Rezza: 'New phase but prudence'. The virus circulates between 0-19 years

2/4/2022, 7:55:26 PM

'We are moving towards a new phase but the numbers are still high, prudence' urges Gianni Rezza, director of prevention of the Ministry of Health. The daily cases drop below one hundred thousand, 433 victims. 11.2% positivity rate. Brusaferro: 'Decrease of cases in the majority of Regions' (ANSA)

 There are 99,522 new infections from Covid in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Ministry of Health.

Yesterday there were 112,691.

The victims are instead 433, while yesterday there were 414.

There are 884,893 molecular and antigenic swabs for the coronavirus carried out in the last 24 hours in Italy,

according to data from the Ministry of Health. Yesterday there were 915,337. The positivity rate is 11.2%, slightly down from yesterday (when it was 12.3%). On the other hand, there are 1,440 patients in intensive care, 17 fewer than yesterday in the balance between income and expenses. Daily admissions are 114. Patients with symptoms in ordinary wards are 19,000, or 324 fewer than yesterday. 

 "There is a trend, albeit still slight, towards decongestion of health structures. The epidemiological data show us a situation that would seem to draw a new phase of the epidemic, but since the numbers are still very high it is good to continue to maintain prudent behavior. and complete the vaccination course with the booster dose ".

Thus the Director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health

Gianni Rezza,

commenting on the data of the weekly monitoring.

In fact, "the incidence of Covid-19 in our country is still tending and is fixed - says Rezza - at 1362 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants and also the RT is well below unity at 0.93, while the rate occupancy of posts in the medical and intensive areas is respectively 29.5% and 14.8% ".

"There is a high circulation of the virus in almost all European countries. In Italy, in most Regions, there is instead a decrease in new cases, even if some regions have growing values ​​but in this case there is there have been updates in the loading of data which, therefore, must be taken with some caution ".

Thus the president of the Higher Institute of Health,

Silvio Brusaferro,

commenting on the weekly monitoring data.

"Still the younger age groups, from 0 to 9 and from 10 to 19, are those characterized by a higher level of virus circulation, but all age groups have a curve that indicates a decrease" .

Thus the president of the Higher Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro, commenting on the weekly monitoring data.

The average age of those who contract the infection, he indicated, is 36 years, while for hospitalizations and deaths the ages remain higher, respectively above 70 years and above 80 years.

Brusaferro then underlined that "there is a confirmation of the trend reversal as regards the incidence, which however remains very high, still characterized as an acute epidemic phase.

The reversal signals are also confirmed by the RT which remains below the threshold.

And there are also positive signs for the employment of health services even if the amount of people requesting assistance is still very significant ". Duque, he concluded," prudent behavior must be maintained and the vaccination campaign must continue ".

VACCINES - "The share of the population that has also carried out the booster dose is growing and also that of those who started the first vaccination cycle, especially in the younger age groups. But there are still over 4 million Italians over 20 years old. who have yet to take the first dose. "

Thus the president of the Higher Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro, commenting on the weekly monitoring data.

"It is confirmed - added the president Iss - that the protection of vaccinations and the booster is very high compared to the most severe complications of the disease, but vaccination also protects against infection".