The Limited Times

Hagen in NRW: woman encounters wild boar in the living room

2/4/2022, 10:13:22 PM

In Hagen, a woman came across a wild boar in her apartment when she came home. When the police arrived, the animal was lying comfortably on the sofa.

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Break on the couch: wild boar in Hagen after the living room devastation

Photo: Police Hagen / dpa

An encounter with a wild boar can be dangerous - especially when the animal has just made itself comfortable: On returning home, a woman in Hagen, North Rhine-Westphalia, came across a wild boar in her living room.

When the 39-year-old opened the front door on the ground floor on Friday afternoon, the animal was three meters away from her, the police said.

Luckily, the wild boar had turned its head away from her.

The woman quickly closed the door and called the officers.

Animal free again unharmed

When they arrived on site, the Bache had already devastated the facility and made herself comfortable on the living room sofa.

According to the police, the animal had probably entered the ground floor via a patio door.

When the door slammed shut, it was trapped.

Since wild boars can be very dangerous, the officials, together with a hunter, looked for a way to release the animal, which weighs around 60 kilograms, into the wild without further stress.

They carefully opened the front door so that the animal could get back into nature over a fence unharmed.

"Call the police"

'Boars usually freshen in the spring.

During this time, they protect their young from enemies.

Keep your distance away from young animals,” officials advised.

"And if one shows up in your living room . . . call the police."
