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Hartz and cordial: Petra makes an announcement to landlords – "Can't help that..."

2/4/2022, 8:43:39 PM

Hartz and cordial: Petra makes an announcement to landlords – "Can't help that..." Created: 2022-02-04Updated: 2022-02-04, 21:35 By: Sina Koch "Hartz and warm": There is mold everywhere in Petra's apartment. Her health is also at risk because of her poor condition. But Petra just can't find a new home. Hard times lie behind Petra and her small family: The participants in the social documentary

Hartz and cordial: Petra makes an announcement to landlords – "Can't help that..."

Created: 2022-02-04Updated: 2022-02-04, 21:35

By: Sina Koch

"Hartz and warm": There is mold everywhere in Petra's apartment.

Her health is also at risk because of her poor condition.

But Petra just can't find a new home.

Hard times lie behind Petra and her small family: The participants in the social documentary "Hartz und Herzen*" in the Benz barracks in Mannheim mourn the loss of Petra's fiancée Heiko*.

The former Berliner had already moved to Mannheim after meeting Petra – but the newly engaged couple* didn’t have much time.

After about half a year, Heiko died of heart failure*.

Petra's family shares their life and the grief caused by Heiko's sudden death, not only in the TV show "Hartz und Herzen - Day for Day Benz Barracks".

Petra, Pascal and Sascha also let the fans participate in their lives on TikTok*.

Another problem that worries the family in the so-called "blocks" is the condition of their rented apartment.

MANNHEIM24* reports on this.

Mold has been growing in Petra's apartment for some time.

The 51-year-old has already submitted an application to the housing association – but in vain!

Because of her chronic lung disease, life in the moldy apartment is torture for her.

On TikTok, the barrackswoman now reveals why she still lives in the midst of green-gray mold walls:


Hartz and cordial


Benz barracks, Mannheim



Hartz and cordially in the Benz barracks: Petra lives with her family in a mold apartment

A nightmare for all renters!

Petra and son Pascal keep discovering new mold stains in their home.

All efforts to combat the wet patches and mildew seem to have met with only limited success.

Initially, the mold could be stopped, but after only a short time it wandered up the walls on all sides again.

Petra can no longer - the mold has already cost a lot of nerves and some furniture.

The infestation runs through the whole apartment.

This is not only a nuisance for the eyes, but also a serious health hazard.

The 51-year-old suffers particularly badly from the mold in the apartment.

Even Petra's doctor advises the barracker to move out as soon as possible*.

But the catastrophic living situation still doesn't seem to have improved - Petra is pissed off!

Hartz and warm: Petra rails against landlords in a TikTok video – "We can't help it..."

Since the new episodes * of the social documentary "Hartz und cordial – day by day Benz barracks" were all about Heiko's death, the family's search for a home seemed to have been put on hold.

But now Petra speaks up on TikTok: “Are you wondering why we are still in the same apartment?” Petra says in the video.

The 51-year-old reveals that she is not allowed to move into another apartment from the Mannheim housing association.

"We don't know why - no plan," reveals Petra on TikTok.

She feels helpless and has the impression that she has no choice but to stay in the mold apartment: "When we look around for private apartments, it's either: credit check or we don't take any Hartz IV recipients," he said Petra continues in her short video on the Internet.

The 51-year-old is desperate and can't believe that she has to keep living in the mold apartment.

"I find that sad.

Everyone has the chance to find an apartment - no matter what form," reveals the participant of "Hartz und cordial" on TikTok.

She is of the opinion that Hartz IV recipients should neither be “put down” nor excluded from the housing market.

"It's not our fault that we receive Hartz IV," emphasizes the 51-year-old in the short video.

(sik) *MANNNHEIM24 is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.