The Limited Times

Mattarella: Bernini, parliamentary session? Let's start with justice

2/4/2022, 4:38:33 PM

"The proposal for a parliamentary session to engage the Chambers on the addresses of President Mattarella's speech can be useful if the intent is to speed up the solution of the crucial issues for the future of the country that led to a ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, FEBRUARY 04 - "The proposal for a parliamentary session to engage the Chambers on the addresses of President Mattarella's speech can be useful if the intent is to speed up the solution of the crucial issues for the future of the country that determined the birth of the Draghi government. The Parliament from now to June already has a busy schedule of commitments, starting with the anti Covid decrees and the emergency for the expensive bills, but Forza Italia is open to any confrontation that can make government action more cohesive. that the longest passage in the article concerned the urgency of reforming justice, so let's start from this crucial point, because too much time has already been wasted ".This was declared in a note by the president of the senators of Forza Italia Anna Maria Bernini.
