The Limited Times

School: 81.2% students in attendance from 24 to 29 January

2/4/2022, 3:43:41 PM

Out of a sample equal to 78% of state educational institutions (equal to 6,360 schools out of 8,157 schools in total, 4,676 students were present in the week from 24 to 29 January. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, FEBRUARY 04 - Out of a sample equal to 78% of state educational institutions (equal to 6,360 schools out of 8,157 schools in total, in the week from 24 to 29 January the pupils in attendance were 4,676,728 equal to 81.2 %, classes in attendance were 82.8% of which 14.6% in integrated digital teaching (Ddi), classes in dad and quarantined sections were 50,579 parial 17.2%. This is what emerges from the data of monitoring on the pandemic trend in the school environment relating to the period 24-29 January released by the Ministry of Education. suspension from service for non-compliance amounts to less than 1% of the total audience.
