The Limited Times

4 killed in tourist plane crash in Iceland

2/5/2022, 7:49:56 PM

Reykjavik-SANA Four people were killed in a light plane crash in Iceland. The Associated Press quoted Khfef


Four people were killed in a light plane crash in Iceland.

And the Associated Press quoted the Icelandic Coast Guard as saying in a statement that rescue teams had found the bodies of the four victims who were on board the Cessna 172 plane that crashed late yesterday into a lake while transporting tourists from the United States, the Netherlands and Belgium on a tourist trip.

The statement added that the wreckage of the plane was found in the lake, about 50 km east of the capital, Reykjavik, during a search and rescue operation in which more than 1,000 people participated, including divers, boats and two coastguard helicopters.

The Icelandic authorities announced yesterday the loss of the plane, with three tourists on board, who were on a sightseeing trip inside the country, noting that among its passengers were an American, a Dutchman and a Belgian, in addition to the pilot.