The Limited Times

Covid: with booster 95% protection from serious illness

2/5/2022, 10:13:40 AM

'Mortality is 27 times higher in unvaccinated'. The National Institute of Health notes this. Also in the unvaccinated compared to those who have had the third dose, the rate of hospitalizations in the ordinary wards is 10 times higher (ANSA)

The booster dose of the anti Covid-19 vaccine protects 95% from severe forms of the disease and 67% from contagion compared to what happens in unvaccinated people: this is indicated by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Iss) in its' Extended report on surveillance , impact of infections and vaccine efficacy '. The efficacy of the vaccine, understood as "percentage reduction of the risk in vaccinated compared to non-vaccinated" in preventing severe disease, is also 90% in vaccinated with full course (2 doses) for less than 90 days, 91% in those who have had the 2 doses of 91 and 120 days, and 85% in those who have had more than 120 days.

Mortality is 27 times higher in unvaccinated than in those who had the booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Iss) notes this in its 'Extended report on surveillance, impact of infections and vaccination efficacy'.

The report also shows that, again in the unvaccinated than in those who have had the third dose, the rate of hospitalizations in ordinary wards is 10 times higher and is 27 times higher than that of hospitalizations in intensive care.