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First US forces arrive in Europe, reported: Russia is planning a major nuclear exercise - Walla! news

2/5/2022, 7:50:09 PM

Under President Biden's order, the U.S. Army's first reinforcement force arrived in Poland as part of NATO's preparations for the possibility of Russia invading Ukraine. At the same time, the United Kingdom reports that US intelligence sources estimate that Russia plans to carry out a major nuclear exercise as a deterrent in the event that NATO invades Ukraine.

First US forces arrive in Europe, reported: Russia is planning a major nuclear exercise

Under President Biden's order, the U.S. Army's first reinforcement force arrived in Poland as part of NATO's preparations for the possibility of Russia invading Ukraine.

At the same time, the United Kingdom reports that US intelligence sources estimate that Russia plans to carry out a major nuclear exercise as a deterrent in the event that NATO invades Ukraine.

News agencies


Saturday, 05 February 2022, 17:55 Updated: 21:40

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Prepare for any scenario.

Exercise of volunteers in the Ukrainian army in the Kiev region, today (Photo: AP)

The first reinforcements of the United States military arrived in Poland today (Saturday), as part of NATO's preparations for the possibility of Russia invading Ukraine. A spokesman for the Polish military said the first troops to arrive were from the 82nd Airborne Division. He said most of the 1,700 U.S. troops stationed in Poland would arrive "soon.

" Plans to carry out a major nuclear exercise this month as a deterrent to NATO in the event it invades Ukraine.

According to a source in Congress, Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Millie and CIA chief Avril Haynes briefed members of the House of Representatives on Thursday that Putin plans to advance the annual exercises, which are usually held in the fall, as early as the middle of next month.

The exercises include launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles from land, air and sea, and their existence in parallel with a possible attack in Ukraine could remind the West that Russia has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world - just under 4,500 nuclear warheads, before the American Scientists Federation.


The United States does not yet know whether Putin made a decision to attack Ukraine, from which he had already annexed the Crimean peninsula in 2014.

However, Washington and its allies are concerned about the continuation of the Russian military force building around Ukraine, which was formerly part of the Soviet Union.

A NATO source said Russia had increased the number of tactical battalions deployed in the border area from 60 to 83 in the past two weeks. Each such battalion could number between 750 and 1,000 soldiers, and 14 more battalions were making their way to the border district. Russia estimates that Russia has deployed

between 1,200 and 2,100 special forces to the region, and

Washington estimates that Russia has deployed enough force for a limited offensive, but has deployed only 70 percent of its force for a full invasion, which includes an attack on Kiev, the Ukrainian capital. The ability to deploy sufficient forces for a full invasion by mid-February, in parallel with the expected start of its nuclear exercises.

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To the full article

On Thursday, the United States accused Russia of preparing for a day of attack by Ukraine or the West against it, as part of Operation "False Flag" designed to provide it with an excuse to invade.

Two days earlier, Putin had accused the United States of trying to "drag" Russia into an armed conflict.

He said it was ignoring Russia's security concerns and its demand to ensure that NATO did not join Ukraine in the future.

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