The Limited Times

Giovanna Civitillo, my first lady Festival

2/5/2022, 8:55:51 PM

For three years first lady in Sanremo, Giovanna Civitillo is radiant. "Since my husband is the conductor and artistic director we have seen each other less because he is much busier. (ANSA)

For three years first lady in Sanremo, Giovanna Civitillo is radiant.

"Since my husband is the conductor and artistic director we have seen each other less because he is much more busy. Fatigue has increased - he tells ANSA - work has increased, but joy and satisfaction have also grown. these listening results repay you for so much effort, which I see on Ama's face and which, consequently, I also live. He deserves this extraordinary result ".

    How is Amadeus as a dad, as a husband, as a professional?

"Exceptional, super, an affectionate and present father, an adorable husband, an extraordinary worker for me", replies Giovanna who has a son, Josè, 13 years old with him.

Will this man have any faults?

"At home there are many - he reveals - he doesn't have any kind of manual skills, he doesn't even know how to unscrew a light bulb.

    I do everything myself. Even on the zero technology front: don't talk to him about telephones, computers, nothing. I do everything myself".

Zero also for social media.

The famous couple profile on Instagram "is mine - Giovanna smiles - and Amadeus takes on mine because it is not social and does not want to be. But I like this thing. The more they criticize me, the more I like the couple profile", she adds.

    Always in the front row in the stalls with very elegant dresses (yellow on the first evening, red the second, black the third and fourth and, surprisingly, color for the fifth and last), Giovanna Civitillo swears that she was not tempted to go downstairs. stairway of the Ariston to support her husband. "Never thought about it. I go up on stage at the end of the evenings, with the cameras off, to take the usual photo with my husband", she says.

    The songs competing at the Festival, chosen for some time by the artistic director and conductor, are all familiar by now.

"The one I like best I will be able to reveal only after the final, but I like almost all of them for different reasons. I sing them from memory", Giovanna says.

If someone defines Amadeus male chauvinist for the role of the co-hosts in the Festival (he made discuss the gaffe about Francesca Sofia Novello also chosen for the notorious 'staying a step behind' compared to Valentino Rossi), Giovanna lights up: "Who thinks of him something he is crazy like that. He is a true gentleman, other than male chauvinist. There is no man like him. "

Her career as a dancer and showgirl, as she herself told Domenica in about her, slowed down after the wedding but not to stay home cooking.


it was a renunciation made by me, by my will.

A free choice of life.

I preferred the affections, the family, my son and my husband.

Being away from them for work reasons makes me uncomfortable.

Why experience this discomfort?

I live it - he explains - when I feel like doing it ".

    From Saturday 12 February for five weeks on Rai1, your family-size affairs will be broadcast and Giovanna will be alongside Ama in transmission.

"The Amadeus family will welcome families who come to play. He and I will be at home, we will tease each other, I will be his shoulder on this journey".

And next year, with the wind in the sails after the audience record and the 'blessing' also of the President of the Republic, will it still be an Amadeus-branded Sanremo, for the fourth consecutive time?

"We'll see, he'll decide, I don't know", replies Giovanna, in this case, rightly, a step back.