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High energy costs: Eliminate these power guzzlers and save money

2/5/2022, 6:37:36 AM

High energy costs: Eliminate these power guzzlers and save money Created: 2022-02-05 07:23 By: Svenja Wallocha Got a high electricity bill again? Where the biggest power guzzlers are lurking in the house and how you can save a lot of energy. Kassel – The high electricity prices* make consumers tremble throughout Germany. So that the bill does not shoot up even further, tenants or homeowners ca

High energy costs: Eliminate these power guzzlers and save money

Created: 2022-02-05 07:23

By: Svenja Wallocha

Got a high electricity bill again?

Where the biggest power guzzlers are lurking in the house and how you can save a lot of energy.

Kassel – The high electricity prices* make consumers tremble throughout Germany.

So that the bill does not shoot up even further, tenants or homeowners can, however, pay attention to a few things in everyday life.

An overview of which devices are the biggest power guzzlers and how you can save energy and money with them.

In hardly any other country does electricity cost as much as in Germany.

According to the comparison portal Verivox, consumers in Germany pay around 31.80 cents per kilowatt hour.

For comparison: In our neighboring country, the Netherlands, it is just 16.5 cents per kilowatt hour.

In addition, prices continue to rise.

According to Verivox, they have increased by almost 40 percent (38.8%) in the past twelve months.

"Electricity prices in Germany are at an all-time high," explained Verivox energy expert Thorsten Storck in January 2022.

The biggest power guzzlers in the home: this is how consumers really save money

Many people are therefore looking for other electricity providers.

Above all, suppliers with cheap tariffs* are literally overrun.

If you want to change your energy supplier, you should make comparisons, because the prices for new electricity contracts vary greatly from region to region.

But you should also think about your own consumption.

How much electricity a household uses depends first and foremost on how many people live in it.

However, there are also real power guzzlers that cost a lot of energy and that is reflected in the end of the bill.

Rising energy prices are currently causing concern for many consumers.

(Iconic image) © Sina Schuldt/dpa

Especially in Corona times*, when many people stay at home and work in the home office, a lot of electricity is used for communication and entertainment.

On average, almost a third of electricity consumption is in this area, as explained by the consumer advice center.

It is therefore recommended to also look at televisions, computers and game consoles to see whether more efficient devices might be worthwhile.

Consumers can also easily save electricity by generally avoiding the standby mode for all devices. 

High electricity costs: refrigerators and the like can become energy guzzlers

The next power guzzlers in the home are large old appliances.

If you still have your parents' washing machine at home, you should consider whether a newer appliance is worth it.

Old refrigerators and freezers in particular can be real power guzzlers because they run non-stop.

When buying a new refrigerator, it's worth taking a look at the energy label - after the change in the energy label in March 2021, category A is best, the designations A+++, A++ and A+ no longer exist.

Previously, A+++ was the best rating, this now counts as a maximum for class B, C or D.

Rising energy prices are currently causing concern for many consumers.

(symbol photo) © Winfried Rothermel/Imago Images

In addition to energy efficiency, there are also some tips for use.

If possible, refrigerators should not be placed next to warm devices.

Setting the right temperature is also important.

"Eight degrees is recommended as the right fridge temperature for the middle area of ​​the fridge," said Norbert Endres, energy consultant at the consumer center, to

So that the products and not just the air in the refrigerator is cooled, refrigerators should also be filled well.

The following applies to freezers: defrost regularly.


Optimum temperature


7 - 8 degrees Celsius (measured in the middle compartment)


18 degrees minus

Electricity guzzler heating pump: consumers can save up to 80 percent here

Another power guzzler can be old heating pumps.

According to the energy company Eon, they are even among the biggest power guzzlers in the home.

Because turning cold water into hot water requires electricity – and not just a little.

Replacing an old model with a new one can really pay off.

According to, newer devices consume up to 80 percent less energy.

As with other devices, you should pay attention to the best possible energy efficiency class when buying.

You can also save a lot of electricity when cooking.

Electric stoves are real power guzzlers, so you should keep consumption as low as possible.

The consumer advice center advises: If you not only want to save electricity but also time, you should cook with a lid, use little water and first boil the water in the kettle instead of in the pot.

Power guzzlers in the home: Preheating the oven is a common misconception

Another common misconception is preheating the oven.

That's often not necessary.

Especially with cakes, bread or frozen goods, where a crust forms relatively late, the oven does not necessarily have to be preheated.

Even the federal government states that with newer ovens, preheating "isn't usually necessary."

With circulating air, it is also possible to set the baking temperature 20 to 30 degrees lower.

"Convection is therefore more efficient than top and bottom heat." An induction cooker is even more energy-efficient because it uses 40 percent less energy.

You can also find interesting and helpful consumer news in our weekly HNA consumer newsletter.*

When lighting becomes a power guzzler – tips for saving energy

The lighting in the house can also become a big power guzzler.

Namely when halogen lamps or light bulbs are used instead of LEDs or energy-saving lamps.

This means that up to 90 percent less electricity can be used for lighting.

Floor or table lamps with a power supply also consume a lot of energy.

Because even when they are off, they consume electricity.

The consumer advice center therefore advises pulling the plug or using a power strip that can be switched off.

And the tumble dryer also consumes a lot of electricity.

According to, it is about 325 kilowatt hours per year.

An energy-efficient device is also worthwhile there.

In addition, you should always fill the machine well and, especially in spring and summer, dry the laundry outside instead of in the tumble dryer.


* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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