The Limited Times

Motorcycle: first tests; Aprilia double at Sepang, Ducati behind

2/5/2022, 5:25:41 PM

Marquez, returning after diplopia is eighth, only nineteenth Bagnaia (ANSA) Double for Aprilia on the first day of testing in Sepang: the best is Aleix Espargaró in 1: 58.371 in front of box mate Vinales, 13 thousandths away. Third place for Rins (+0.100). Two Italians in the top ten: the best is Bastianini (4th at +0.267), worthy of note is Bezzecchi's tenth time (+1.097). Quartararo closes 6th at +0.631. Marquez, on his return after the diplopia, is 8th at + 0.916 despi

Double for Aprilia on the first day of testing in Sepang: the best is Aleix Espargaró in 1: 58.371 in front of box mate Vinales, 13 thousandths away.

Third place for Rins (+0.100).

Two Italians in the top ten: the best is Bastianini (4th at +0.267), worthy of note is Bezzecchi's tenth time (+1.097).

Quartararo closes 6th at +0.631.

Marquez, on his return after the diplopia, is 8th at + 0.916 despite a fall.

The official Ducatis are further behind: Bagnaia 19th at +1.656, Miller 22nd at +1.806.

During the 'shakedown', Romano Albesiano, technical director of Aprilia Racing, explained how the 2022 RS-GP is completely new, even if similar to the one we saw returning to fight for the top positions in 2021. And the first indications suggest that the two pilots are having fun,