The Limited Times

New Coronary Pneumonia|A customs officer is initially diagnosed and responsible for luggage inspection on the airport apron

2/5/2022, 5:08:27 PM

A customs officer initially confirmed positive for COVID-19. The officer's last work day was February 1, and he had dinner with a friend after the last work day, and the friend later confirmed the diagnosis. staff last night (5

A customs officer initially confirmed positive for COVID-19.

The officer's last work day was February 1, and he had dinner with a friend after the last work day, and the friend later confirmed the diagnosis.

The personnel were initially confirmed to be positive for 2019-nCoV last night (5th).

The officer is in charge of luggage inspection at the apron of Hong Kong International Airport. He has no travel history in the past 14 days. He has been wearing a surgical mask during his work and is currently in stable condition.

The department has been arranging front-line customs staff working at the Hong Kong International Airport to be tested for the virus every two days. So far, the test results of the staff are all negative.

The customs are highly concerned about the incident and have taken the following measures:

(1) Arrange for the department personnel who may have close contact with the customs officer to be tested for the virus;

(2) Sending staff to clean and disinfect the relevant work place of the customs officer;

(3) Further remind colleagues to pay attention to personal hygiene, reduce social contact, and reduce the risk of infection. If you feel any discomfort, you must report it immediately and seek medical attention; and

(4) Deploy manpower flexibly to ensure that public affairs are not affected.

Customs will continue to maintain close contact with the Department of Health and will fully cooperate in tracing the close contacts of the person.

▼Details of the mandatory inspection announcement on February 4▼


▼The building where the confirmed cases lived on February 4▼


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