The Limited Times

Scholz expresses his confidence in RKI boss Wieler

2/5/2022, 9:55:45 PM

The Greens are outraged by the FDP's criticism of the RKI boss. "To count people publicly is irresponsible," says health expert Dahmen. The Federal Chancellor also supports Lothar Wieler.

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RKI boss Lothar Wieler: "Recent misconduct"

Photo: Kay Nietfeld / dpa

The traffic light coalition is arguing about the future of RKI boss Lothar Wieler.

After the designated FDP General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai sharply criticized the President of the Robert Koch Institute in SPIEGEL and indicated a replacement, Wieler received support from Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Saturday.

When asked whether Wieler still enjoyed the chancellor's trust, a government spokeswoman said "yes" on Saturday.

The Greens defended the RKI boss a little more passionately.

»Lothar Wieler has achieved an incredible amount during the pandemic.

His expertise, professionalism, and steadfastness in the face of attacks from enemies of science deserve respect,” wrote Bundestag Vice President Katrin Göring-Eckardt on Twitter.

She is very grateful for his work, which goes far beyond the obvious.

The Green health expert Janosch Dahmen made a similar statement.

»His expertise is invaluable.

Without him we would be in a much worse position today," he wrote on Twitter.

»Anyone who wants to govern a country responsibly should deal responsibly with their own executive.

'Counting' people in public is not only irresponsible, it's just not the way to treat each other!«

"Mr. Wieler can no longer be sure of the trust of the FDP"

Djir-Sarai had told SPIEGEL that Wieler "can no longer be sure of the FDP's trust."

The trigger is the annoyance about the shortening of the convalescent status.

The RKI reduced the period “almost incidentally with the stroke of a pen and without any announcement”, criticized the FDP politician.

This is not an isolated case, but a "recent misconduct".

The surprising reduction in the recovery status from six to three months meant that people without a full vaccination status were suddenly no longer able to go to restaurants, bars or gyms.

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) had spoken of communication problems with the RKI.

Traffic light struggles for corona course

The background to the dispute is a deeper conflict in the coalition about possible easing.

There is a dispute between the SPD, FDP and Greens as to when there should be opening steps.

FDP leader Christian Lindner had called for easing this week, such as the abolition of the 2G rule in retail.

Government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit had said in view of the sharp increase in the number of new corona infections that it was too early to present a timetable for openings.

Lower Saxony's Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) made a similar statement on Friday.

RKI President Wieler advocates a tougher course in the fight against the pandemic.

According to model calculations, the RKI expects the omicron wave to peak in mid-February.
