The Limited Times

Recall due to hydrogen cyanide content: Several snack products affected – there could be a risk of poisoning

2/6/2022, 11:26:44 AM

Recall due to hydrogen cyanide content: Several snack products affected – there could be a risk of poisoning Created: 02/06/2022, 12:17 p.m By: Franziska Schwarz Symbolic picture: A current recall affects several Mandel products © Science Photo Library/Imago Among others, the drugstore chain dm offered the goods. At the latest, customers should be careful with an “unpleasant, clearly perceptib

Recall due to hydrogen cyanide content: Several snack products affected – there could be a risk of poisoning

Created: 02/06/2022, 12:17 p.m

By: Franziska Schwarz

Symbolic picture: A current recall affects several Mandel products © Science Photo Library/Imago

Among others, the drugstore chain dm offered the goods.

At the latest, customers should be careful with an “unpleasant, clearly perceptible bitter” taste.

Darmstadt – There are currently recalls for several Mandel products.

The company Alnatura and the drugstore chain dm published a corresponding notification for the following goods on February 4th:

  • "Alnatura Almonds"

    , 200 grams, best before date:


  • "Alnatura ground almonds"

    , 150 grams, best before date:


  • "Alnatura nut mix roasted"

    , 150 grams, best before dates September 2nd,


    and September 7th,


  • "dmBio Almonds"

    , 200 grams,

According to the company, the Alnatura products were sold in all federal states with the exception of Bremen.

The following Dennree products are currently affected by a similar recall:

  • "Roasted ground almond kernels"

    , 200 grams, best before dates:





  • "European almond kernels"

    , 250 grams, best before date: 


  • "European almond kernels"

    , 500 grams, best before date: 


The goods were delivered to "Denns BioMarkt" and selected natural food stores.

Almond recall: hydrocyanic acid could lead to symptoms of poisoning

The reason for the recall is an excessively high hydrocyanic acid content.

In the case of Alnatura almonds, only the batches just mentioned are affected.

The same applies to the almonds from dm.

The drugstore chain said the packs could contain bitter almonds.

A recall is currently in effect for several almond products.

© Dennree

"In contrast to sweet almonds, bitter almonds have an unpleasant, clearly perceptible bitter taste," Alnatura said.

Customers should no longer eat the almonds and bring them back to one of the branches.

When eating bitter almonds, hydrocyanic acid is released during digestion.

This can lead to headaches, gastrointestinal complaints and other symptoms of poisoning, which show up shortly after consumption.

The products have been withdrawn from sale.

Customers who bought them got their money back.

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(frs with dpa material)

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