The Limited Times

Covid: protest continues in Ottawa, seven arrests

2/7/2022, 4:02:39 PM

The eleventh day of protests against anti-Covid measures continues in Ottawa where yesterday the mayor declared a state of emergency. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 07 - Eleventh day of protests against anti-Covid measures continues in Ottawa where yesterday the mayor declared a state of emergency.

Mayor Jim Watson, who summoned the junta for an ordinary council in the next few hours, asked Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to appoint a "mediator", a sort of special government envoy who would try to find a situation.

The Canadian media reported it.

    Meanwhile, the police seized 3,000 tons of fuel, "gasoline, propane and other materials" from the demonstrators, and threatened to arrest anyone carrying supplies to the city center, where most of the demonstrators were concentrated.

Seven people have already been stopped by the police who, as the mayor explained, from now on will have a "more aggressive" attitude.

    "They must be more aggressive - said the mayor to the local channel Ctv news -. Someone risks being killed or seriously injured by the behavior of these irresponsible people".
