The Limited Times

Covid: there are 41,247 positives and 326 victims in the last 24 hours

2/7/2022, 6:15:32 PM

There are 1,423 patients in intensive care, 8 less than yesterday in the balance between income and expenses. Daily admissions are 70. Patients with symptoms in ordinary wards are 18,675, or 177 more than yesterday. Hope: 'encouraging signs, -30% of cases in one week' (ANSA)

There are 41,247 new infections from Covid in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Ministry of Health.

Yesterday there were 77,029.

The victims are 326, while yesterday there were 229. 

There are 393,663 molecular and antigenic swabs for the coronavirus carried out in the last 24 hours in Italy, according to data from the Ministry of Health.

Yesterday there were 686,544.

The positivity rate is 10.47%, down from yesterday (when it was 11.2%).

On the other hand, there are 1,423 patients in intensive care, 8 less than yesterday in the balance between income and expenses.

Daily admissions are 70. Patients with symptoms in ordinary wards are 18,675, or 177 more than yesterday.

"We are still in a phase of the fight against Covid even if there are encouraging signs, with a decrease of 30% of cases in a week. This has been possible thanks to an extraordinary vaccination campaign. In these days we are managing to bend the curve. of infections without having had to resort to restrictive measures that are particularly invasive for people's lives ".

This was stated by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza in Agora 'Pd Basilicata on the theme of the PNRR.