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Sit upright and rest? Which really helps with back pain

2/7/2022, 1:57:20 PM

Sit upright and rest? Which really helps with back pain Created: 2022-02-07 2:49 p.m Especially people who sit a lot often have problems with their backs. © Christin Klose/dpa Always sit up straight, then there's no back pain. Everyone has probably heard this sentence before. But that's not entirely true. Almost everyone can have a say when it comes to back pain*. However, some assumptions abo

Sit upright and rest?

Which really helps with back pain

Created: 2022-02-07 2:49 p.m

Especially people who sit a lot often have problems with their backs.

© Christin Klose/dpa

Always sit up straight, then there's no back pain.

Everyone has probably heard this sentence before.

But that's not entirely true.

Almost everyone can have a say when it comes to back pain*.

However, some assumptions about this are based on errors.

This is pointed out by Prof. Nikolai Rainov from the MVZ Spine Center Munich/Taufkirchen.

This includes the assumption that it only takes an upright sitting position to be spared from pain.


Sitting for a very long time - whether straight or at an angle - leads to one-sided strain that damages the back

," says Rainov, specialist in neurosurgery and special pain therapy.

It is better to change your sitting position from time to time and get up regularly to exercise.

The back is happy about a change.

Rest in pain?

Does not have to be

If it is already unpleasantly tugging and stinging, many of those affected come up with the idea of ​​taking extra care of themselves.

Exactly the opposite is usually good for the back

- movement.

Whether it's a relaxing walk or a visit to the swimming pool: Physical activity can often relieve tension*.

If you want to prevent pain, you

train your back muscles in a targeted manner.

Physician Rainov knows what to look out for: "In order to avoid bad posture, the exercises should stress the back and abdominal muscles equally."

Back pain: Young people are also affected

Last but not least, many people believe that back pain comes with age.

But that cannot be said in general terms.


Lumbar vertebrae, for example, often lock when the surrounding muscles are overworked, regardless of a person's age

," says Rainov.

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It is often the sacroiliac joint, a joint between the sacrum and the ilium, that causes problems in the lower back.

A blockage in this joint

does not have to be a sign of old age

, but can also occur when playing golf or soccer or during pregnancy.

(dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.