The Limited Times

Video games bring parents and children together

2/7/2022, 6:56:43 PM

More than 77% of them played with their children in 2021, compared to 66% in 2020. “During confinement, many families rediscovered their children and wanted to better understand their practices ,” says Vanessa Lalo, clinical psychologist specializing in this field. According to a study by Médiamétrie in partnership with the Syndicate of Leisure Software Publishers (Sell), more than 77% of parents played with their children in 2021, compared to 66% in 2020. "This spectacular pro

“During confinement, many families rediscovered their children and wanted to better understand their practices

,” says Vanessa Lalo, clinical psychologist specializing in this field.

According to a study by Médiamétrie in partnership with the Syndicate of Leisure Software Publishers (Sell), more than 77% of parents played with their children in 2021, compared to 66% in 2020.

"This spectacular progression is due on the one hand to the arrival in parenthood of the first generation of parents (35-45 years old) with a culture of video games and, on the other hand, to the desire of these parents to find opportunities to share with their children

,” says Nicolas Vignolles, General Delegate of Sell.

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"Video games allow you to keep a link."

This is the case of Karine, 41 years old.

It all started when her son turned 5.

“When he was little, we played 

Super Mario


Kirby together

 before he took the bath, it was a hobby in the same way as coloring”

, she mentions…

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