The Limited Times

Wages: unions push for a new day of mobilization in March

2/7/2022, 4:02:33 PM

They want to put the question of purchasing power on the agenda of the presidential election. A meeting is taking place on Monday evening.

The CGT, FO, FSU, Solidaires and Unsa meet Monday evening at the FO headquarters in Paris to discuss the organization of a new day of mobilization on wages and purchasing power in March, a- we learned from union sources.

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The previous day of strikes and demonstrations, January 27, mobilized between 89,000 and

"more than 150,000"

people on the slogan of a general increase in wages at the call of the CGT, FO, the FSU, Solidaires and youth organizations.

An inter-union took place the next day with reinforcements from Unsa and the CFE-CGC.

“Do not let the presidential election pass”

The issue of Monday's meeting is the organization or not in March of a new day of demands (in addition to that of March 8 which will make it possible to mobilize on the issues of equality between men and women). The CGT is in favor of it, considering that there is

an "urgency"

, that the expectations of employees are high and that the unions

"cannot wait to let the presidential election pass"

(April 10 and 24) to to be heard, explains Céline Verzeletti, CGT confederal leader.

Same story on the Unsa side.

“The question of purchasing power and wages will be the subject of the year.

It will require the most unitary actions with a watchword, the increase in all salaries

, ”said its secretary general Laurent Escure to AFP.

Read also Demonstration for wages in Paris in front of the Hard Rock Café

The Force Ouvrière union seems more cautious on the subject - anxious according to union sources not to interfere with the election, not

to "seem to play into the hands of an opposition or anything"

, explains one of they.

"We have exchanges, discussions (...) The context is changing",

eluded its secretary general Yves Veyrier with AFP.