The Limited Times

Opinion | From a historical point of view, time works in Israel's favor Israel today

2/8/2022, 12:32:36 AM

The operative successes of the Arab struggle highlight the depth of its strategic failure • Regional isolation is fading, and major oil producers are partnering with us

Israel's regional status is marked by a positive turnaround, which has been evident in visits by senior officials - including the previous and current prime minister, foreign minister and defense minister - to Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain and Morocco.

Following Avraham's agreements, the legitimacy of Israel's ties with Arab states deepens, from the pole where they could be narrowly justified as a constraint in exchange for land recaptured in 1967, to the pole of tight security ties and the use of Israel's power, credibility and capabilities as an important component of Arab national security.

The ties and normalization proposed in the "Arab Peace Initiative" as a reward for accepting the territorial and political dictates of the Arabs and Palestinians are accepted in the region as an Israeli contribution to the protection and well-being of the Arabs.

A deep-rooted and multi-generational national conflict, involving an exciting cultural component, examines the historical key issue concerning the parties' perception of the question "in favor of whom time works", referring to the cumulative historical trend in the balance of power: who maintains over time. The focus is on the motivation to continue the struggle: those who receive reinforcements for their optimistic expectations, draw from them mental strength for a determined stand; Anyone who has experienced consecutive failures loses his ability to persuade the public to bear the brunt of ongoing mobilization.

The radicals who worked in the last century to mobilize the Arab public "from the Atlantic (the Atlantic) to the Gulf (Arab)" to fight against Israel, managed for many years to maintain an expectation of Arab victory, despite its impressive achievements Israel, by turning to the historical dimension. They relied mainly on the huge resource gap and took solace in the ingrained perception of Arab history, as someone who has always been "destined for greatness." According to them, even if the Jews managed to establish a state in 1948, defend it in 1967, maintain their conquests in "Palestine" and Jerusalem and build a modern and developed state, their resources are still poor compared to those of the hundreds of millions of Arabs around them. The Arabs are credited not only with oil and international status, but mainly with unlimited absorption capacity and endless determination. Israel will not stand for long in the face of Arab adherence to its boycott of the region, violent threats to its citizens' lives and survival, and its de-legitimization in the international arena and among Western democracies.

The Arab struggle has many operational successes.

The radicals have indeed succeeded in mobilizing the Arab states to boycott Israel for generations.

This continued decades after the revolutionary peace treaty with Egypt and the agreement with Jordan.

Arab oil resources, especially in the 1970s, managed to undermine Israel's important interests.

The recurring wars, the constant terror and the recognition that existential and everyday threats are a permanent phenomenon, have hurt and hurt society and the economy.

Delegitimization in international organizations is severe and severe.

Israel's absurd slanders have been deeply absorbed in the mainstream of Europe, and even in circles that are no longer marginalized in the United States.

But it is precisely these operational successes that highlight the depth of strategic failure.

The regional isolation is fading before our eyes in the Gulf and Morocco and in the marked improvement in relations with Egypt and Jordan.

The main Arab oil producers are in fact partners in a coalition with Israel.

The great wars have ceased, the Iranian danger is severe but mainly threatens the Arabs and brings them closer to Israel.

In the ultimate war on terror (the "second intifada"), the Palestinian society that took it was broken.

Isolation in international organizations does not undermine Israel's steadfast status among the determinants of the global arena, and the detriment of defamation in Western democracies is limited.

And above all, Israel is perceived by its residents, by the world's leading countries and increasingly by the Arabs themselves as a clear success story, constantly proving its ability to face enormous challenges.

Time, then, "works" in its favor.

Were we wrong?


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