The Limited Times

"I did not kill anyone": at the "V 13" trial, Salah Abdeslam as innocent "slandered"

2/9/2022, 7:58:33 PM

REPORT OF THE HEARING - The last living member of the November 13 commandos claims to have knowingly given up setting off his explosives.

We expect too much from Salah Abdeslam.

When he speaks of Islam, he gives it a fanatical exegesis, showing that he is still bewitched by the doctrine of Daesh.

When he has to answer for his actions, he tacks, quibbles, delays, proving that he is fully aware that he is risking a lot (perpetuity).

The Islamic State (IS), sponsor of the attacks of November 13, 2015?

"I am for it, I support it, I love it."

A little later:

"I did not pledge allegiance according to the rules but without knowing it, it was in my heart."

Before this declaration of love, the last surviving member of the commandos had taken care to distance himself from the massacres recruited like him:

“I didn't kill anyone, hurt anyone, not even a scratch.

They have not ceased to slander me.”

And to embark on a lucid analysis of the legal issue:

“In terrorism cases, the sentences pronounced are extremely severe, including with regard to people who have not injured or killed anyone…

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