The Limited Times

Angelina Jolie at the US Congress Against Domestic Violence

2/9/2022, 11:40:36 PM

In tears, actress Angelina Jolie on Wednesday February 9 called on the American Congress to urgently adopt a new law against violence...

In tears, actress Angelina Jolie called on Wednesday, February 9, the American Congress to urgently adopt a new law against violence against women, a scourge which has become

“normalized in our country”


Surrounded by elected officials, the actress unveiled a text supposed to provide victims with medical and legal assistance as well as help children who have been exposed to this violence.

“The ugly truth is that domestic violence has become normalized in our country

,” she blasted.

Read alsoThe “tremendous loneliness” of families and children of victims of domestic violence

The 46-year-old actress accuses her ex-husband Brad Pitt of intentionally hitting their son Maddox, 15 at the time.

The actor was cleared of these allegations.

“I think of the children who are terrified and suffering right now, and the many people for whom this law comes too late

,” Angelina Jolie said with a lump in her throat, urging Congress to make this law a priority.

Read alsoWhy domestic violence is even more taboo in the countryside

Since 1994, new amended versions of a law against violence against women (“Violence Against Women Act”) have been approved thanks to the support of both parties.

Joe Biden, then a senator, was the author of the first version of this text.

But a version adopted in the House in 2019 had been blocked in the Senate, where the Republicans, in the majority at the time, had prevented it from being put to a vote.

The text unveiled on Wednesday is supported by elected officials from both parties.

The American president


the presentation of this new version on Wednesday.