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Hartz and sincerely: Because of a bad pain attack – Elvis' daughter in the clinic

2/9/2022, 7:16:45 PM

Hartz and sincerely: Because of a bad pain attack – Elvis' daughter in the clinic Created: 2022-02-09 20:09 By: Sina Koch "Hartz and warm" - Elvis and Katrin are shocked. Daughter Vanessa ends up in the hospital with sudden bleeding and severe abdominal pain. There is a district in Mannheim that is characterized by neighborly help, cordiality, but also financial worries. For a number of years,

Hartz and sincerely: Because of a bad pain attack – Elvis' daughter in the clinic

Created: 2022-02-09 20:09

By: Sina Koch

"Hartz and warm" - Elvis and Katrin are shocked.

Daughter Vanessa ends up in the hospital with sudden bleeding and severe abdominal pain.

There is a district in Mannheim that is characterized by neighborly help, cordiality, but also financial worries.

For a number of years, the social documentary "Hartz und cordial"* from the Benz barracks in Mannheim has been an integral part of the afternoon program on RTLZWEI.

No other "Hartz und cordial" series has managed to inspire so many viewers.

This is of course due to the residents, who are now well-known throughout Germany.

There's always something going on at "Hartz und Warm - Day by Day Benz Barracks", because the life of Janine, Elvis, Katrin and Co. is no picnic.

However, the residents do not want to be overwhelmed by money worries and official stress.

MANNHEIM24* reports on this.

Especially in the extended family around the father of eight, Elvis, cohesion is very important.

In the 55th episode of "Hartz and cordially - day by day Benz barracks" the health of their daughter Vanessa causes them great concern:


Hartz and cordial - day after day Benz barracks





"Hartz and cordial" in the Benz barracks: Vanessa is in severe pain - and ends up in the hospital

Elvis and Katrin's eldest son, 21-year-old Vanessa, recently shared some happy news with her parents.

The single mother, who lives with her son in the Benz barracks, has received her certificate as a state-approved nursing assistant and also a training contract as a nursing specialist*.

Despite all the friends, there is bad news to report in the 55th episode of "Hartz und cordial": Vanessa has to go to the hospital with animal abdominal pain and sudden bleeding.

The attack of pain hit the single parent out of nowhere: "It felt like something had burst," Vanessa describes the evil.

Nurse Jasmin immediately took her to the clinic.

She is worried because Vanessa's pain doesn't seem to go away despite medication.

"Nothing has changed.

She was given painkillers and had blood drawn – and she also had to give a urine sample," reveals the 18-year-old in the social documentary.

"Hartz and warm": Vanessa's sister makes the visit to the clinic difficult – "I'm worried …"

Fortunately, Vanessa does not have to worry about the well-being of her 4-year-old son.

The Mannheim native is actively supported by her mother Katrin and sister Jasmin.

"If Vanessa stays [in the hospital], then I'll stay with him and take him to kindergarten tomorrow," Jasmin continued in the 55th episode of "Hartz und cordial".

She wants to help her sister – but not knowing the reason for the pain attack puts a strain on the 18-year-old.

"Of course I'm worried.

Because she cries all the time, is in pain and everything," says Jasmin worried in the social documentary.

"Hartz and heartily": Vanessa has to go to the hospital because of severe pain.

© RTLZWEI/Screenshot TVNOW

"Hartz and warm": Vanessa's gynecologist finds the cause of the bleeding - "cyst on the ..."

Is the shock over?

The 21-year-old is allowed to leave the hospital after the pain attack.

However, Vanessa's abdominal pain seems to continue.

That's why she gets help from Mama Katrin, who inquires directly about her well-being.

The answer: "Not so great.

I didn't know where to lie with the pain.

[....] I went straight to the gynecologist this morning," reveals the trained geriatric nurse on the TV show.

The gynecologist brings worrying news to the young mother: her inflammation levels are clearly too high.

"It was just horrible," Vanessa reveals to her mom Katrin.

In addition to the high levels of inflammation, Vanessa's gynecologist made another discovery.

"The gynecologist said to me that he saw that there was a cyst on the ovaries - and that's why it started bleeding right away," says the 21-year-old mother in the 55th episode of the social documentary "Hartz und sincerely” price.

Breathe a sigh of relief in the family!

The trigger was clarified with the cyst – now Vanessa has to take it easy for a few days.

(sik) *MANNHEIM24 is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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