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Holon's new forward in an interview: "It's crazy to grow up with six brothers" | Israel today

2/9/2022, 8:34:47 AM

Haydn Dalton, the Purple's acquisition player, ahead of tonight's critical game in the Champions League • On life in a family blessed with children: "You learn that not the whole world revolves around you" • The period with Oren Amiel in Nymburk: To get back on track "

Until a little less than a year ago, Haydn Dalton was marked as one of the players with the greatest potential in the Champions League to reach good teams in the Euroleague.

He excelled for two years in Czech Nymburk and reached the Champions League quarter-finals with her twice - a high forward with a shot that understands the game well, a good rebounder and a positive character.

But in recent months the promising player's career has stalled.

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In the summer he signed with Tzvita Olympia, but suffered a hand injury and was released even before the start of the season.

He then joined the Frenchman Borj who started the season badly, leaving after a short time.

In December he arrived in Burgos and it was not bad, but the diligent failure of the Spanish team led to a wave of changes, and Dalton also left.

Less than two weeks ago, he signed with Hapoel Holon.

"I am happy to be in Holon," Dalton told Israel Today in his first interview since arriving in Israel.

"Everyone I spoke to said that Holon is a professional and respectable place that a lot of good players have been to, so I believe the club will give me the stage to get back on track and continue on my path."

One of the people the forward consulted is Oren Amiel.

The Israeli coach brought the player to Nymburk in the summer of 2019 after the rookie season in Denmark.

For two years in the Czech team he blossomed and was considered a key screw in her twice reaching the quarter-finals of the Champions League.

On Amiel's bench in Nymburk, Photo: Champions League website

"I am grateful that I was able to train under him, I had two great seasons with him. He is an excellent coach who brought me to my role, made me a better player and person and helped me advance to the top level."

What sets it apart?

"He is very intense and loves basketball. He cares about the players and he wants to know you and make sure you are okay. He will always talk to you and make sure you are okay. It is important for him to see that everyone is okay and can play well and well in life. We are still in touch."

A journey in the Holy Land

Dalton, 25, was born in the small town of Parker, Colorado, to a devout Catholic family.

His parents, marriage counselors, run a non-profit organization and help people with difficulties in their married life.

Holon's new player is the third of seven children, all of whom have been or are involved in sports - the boys in basketball and the girls in volleyball.

"We have an amazing family. Yes, it's crazy to grow up with so many brothers and sisters and there were a lot of fights, like with all the kids, but it's great because there's always someone to play with and talk to. We all had a roommate and you learn to share and give up, "Concentrating around you. Our parents did a good job and disciplined us."

As children, Dalton and his brother went to church every Sunday.

"I am excited to be here in Israel and experience the Holy Land. The fact that you have faith gives you morality and teaches you things and lessons in life. It affects the person both on and off the field."

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Who is the best athlete in the family?

"My whole family is good and we're all very competitive, so I do not know if I can give you a good answer. We can argue about that all day," he laughs.

What do we not know about you?

"I'm single, I do not have a partner. My mother does not get off my back and before I came here she told me to keep your eyes open in Israel, there are beautiful women there, so maybe you will meet someone."

Mostly shooting, but not only

When he graduated from high school, Dalton was considered an average and below average player.

No college in Division 1 was interested in his services, and he was forced to go to a smaller college.

In that year he realized that he must take the profession seriously, get stronger and better in order to develop a professional career for himself.

"At 17-18 I was a fine player, no more than that. I didn't score as well as now and the game was not as serious for me as it is today. In college I started to develop my shot and knew I could get better, and from there I started to develop as a professional player."


Excellent sling, Photo: Udi Citation

Dalton prides itself primarily on archery, on which he works long hours each day.

Last season he scored 44.1 percent for three in the Champions League, and was also Nymburk's most effective player.

"Shooting is definitely one of my main things. I always have confidence in shooting, and I have a good feeling when friends want me to shoot. But I do not just bring shooting. I can maintain some positions, switch and also take a rebound. I am another tough guy who plays hard. When I was Young, always when I was lazy my dad told me 'rebound is something that is worth the most because you know your team needs it, so do not let others do it, but do you'. He is a smart person and since then I do as he says. "

In a Burgos uniform, photo: Champions League website

Not many players in your style come to Israel, but the style is more athletic, fast and physical.

Do you think you can fit?

"In recent years at Nymburk our game has been very fast, intense and physical. Guy (Goodes, YM) and Oren have a similar style so I believe I will be fine.

I hope to find the place in the team quickly and that I will have the opportunity to play my game and contribute what I know. "

Dalton is excited to meet Holon fans for the first time tonight, and hopes for a good display against Ludwigsburg to achieve their first victory in the top 16 in the Champions League.

"We had a bad game out there and we need to fix things like ball losses and rebounds. We have a lot of experienced veterans on the team who know what to do, and everyone is motivated to get back on track. We have to keep the house."

Holon fans.

An important home game, Photo: Alan Schieber


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Hayden Dalton.

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