The Limited Times

Legislative: left-wing candidates position themselves in Paris

2/9/2022, 7:28:32 PM

Constituencies deemed "winnable" in the capital are targeted by all left-wing parties. Although badly committed to the presidential election, the left-wing parties see further and plan for the legislative elections. All wish to obtain - question of survival - a group in the National Assembly and consequently win at least fifteen seats of deputies. Consequently, the "winnable" constituencies are the subject of major negotiations, particularly in Paris. Each formation advances its paw

Although badly committed to the presidential election, the left-wing parties see further and plan for the legislative elections.

All wish to obtain - question of survival - a group in the National Assembly and consequently win at least fifteen seats of deputies.

Consequently, the "winnable" constituencies are the subject of major negotiations, particularly in Paris.

Each formation advances its pawns there, hoping to conclude a favorable agreement with their competitors by June.

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When questioned, environmentalists repeat that they do not want to cut corners.

The contenders have until February 13 to make their intentions known to activists in each territory.

An agreement at the national level must then ratify, or not, the decisions made locally.

In some Parisian constituencies, however, the suspense is thin.

The national secretary of EELV, Julien Bayou, should try his luck again in the 5th district of Paris (3rd and 10th arrondissements).

In 2017…

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