The Limited Times

Willy Rotensteiner says goodbye to the Football Association: "You will never be a part of me" | Israel today

2/9/2022, 11:04:48 AM

At the team house, a farewell was made to the team's technical director and coach for the past three and a half years, who received a souvenir: "Thank you for the inspiration you gave us."

The chairman of the Football Association, Oren Hasson, the general manager Yossi Sharabi, the employees of the Football Association and the professional and logistical teams said goodbye today (Wednesday) at the team house to Willy Rotensteiner, the technical director and coach of the team for the past three and a half years. 

Rotensteiner gave an excited speech in which he thanked everyone who helped him from the moment he arrived in the country and said: "I had a special experience in your wonderful country, I grew up here and developed as a person and as a coach. You will never be a part of me."

The association gave Rotensteiner a modest souvenir, which read: "One heart, one goal - a common dream. Thank you for the inspiration you have given us."

The souvenir given to Willie, Photo: Courtesy of the Football Association

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