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Bavaria as a "failed state"? Buschmann threatens Söder with "Illner" with coercion - Holetschek snorts

2/11/2022, 10:41:48 AM

Bavaria as a "failed state"? Buschmann threatens Söder with "Illner" with coercion - Holetschek snorts Created: 02/11/2022 11:27 am Maybrit Illner leads through the program (ZDF). © Jule Roehr/ZDF Maybrit Illner's Corona talk on ZDF quickly mutates into a "Hau den Söder" - Minister Holetschek has his hands full in the vaccination dispute. Berlin – With his push in terms of compulsory care vacc

Bavaria as a "failed state"?

Buschmann threatens Söder with "Illner" with coercion - Holetschek snorts

Created: 02/11/2022 11:27 am

Maybrit Illner leads through the program (ZDF).

© Jule Roehr/ZDF

Maybrit Illner's Corona talk on ZDF quickly mutates into a "Hau den Söder" - Minister Holetschek has his hands full in the vaccination dispute.

Berlin – With his push in terms of compulsory care vaccination*, Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU)* had recently stirred up a lot of dust – and so Maybrit Illner’s Thursday talk on ZDF then quickly delivered a word of power from Berlin: Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann (FDP ) tried to clarify the balance of power.

"Federal law breaks state law!", The lawyer explained.

Buschmann also does not save with pithy words in the direction of Söder and his announcement that he will initially suspend the facility-related compulsory vaccination.

Buschmann once again uses the word "tyranny"*: Because, according to the FDP politician, whoever acts as if he, as the holder of power, could choose whether to abide by the law or not, is moving in exactly this direction.

Buschmann immediately followed up with a threat: "Federal law will also be enforced in Bavaria, otherwise there are ways of enforcing it."

Bavaria's Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) is visibly angry about the comparison and snorts from the monitor: "Of course, Mr. Buschmann completely misrepresented the choice of words".

Talking about tyranny is "completely out of place," said Holetschek angrily.

The Bavarian Minister of Health explains that you have to talk about a law if it turns out to be wrong.

In this case, it did not survive "the practice check".

It was "the many unanswered questions" that made it impossible to implement the measure.

It has not been clarified who is affected by the facility-related vaccination requirement.

"Maybrit Illner" - these guests discussed with:

  • Marco Buschmann (FDP) -

    Federal Minister of Justice

  • Stephan Weil (SPD) -

    Prime Minister of Lower Saxony

  • Klaus Holetschek (CSU) -

    Health Minister Bavaria

  • Prof. Helga Rübsamen-Schaeff -

    chemist, virologist and pharmaceutical entrepreneur

  • dr

    Johannes Wimmer -


    TV doctor ("Dr. Wimmer", Sat.1)

  • Lykke Friis -

    political scientist


    director of the Danish "Think tank Europe"

This upsets Buschmann badly.

He points out that, despite repeated inquiries from the federal government, Bavaria has assured that implementation is realistic - "even the CSU state group" agreed to the law.

Lower Saxony's Prime Minister Stefan Weil (SPD) is also upset about Bavaria's "Sonderweg".

The SPD politician says it's a "farce" what Bavaria is doing, and he also uses the situation to launch a counterattack against his fellow Prime Minister from the CSU.

Because: "My fear is that Söder will soon be one of the most popular politicians on lateral thinker demos."

Holetschek immediately leaps to his boss's side: "It plays into the hands of lateral thinkers if a law cannot be implemented." Weil does not give in: Bavaria has always been "so proud of its administrative competence", comments Weil and asks subtly: If Lower Saxony can do that, "why isn't Bavaria able to do that?".

Illner asks Holetschek: "Is Bavaria on the way to a failed state?"

Maybrit Illner, who actually invited on the subject of "Lossing down in the pandemic - crazy or overdue?" , which should actually clear up all questions.

She asks provocatively: "Is Bavaria on the way to becoming a failed state?"

Holetschek refers to the heart of the matter: "The industry has been told that facility-related vaccination is the first step and the general one will follow".

But this has now been postponed again and will not be debated again in the Bundestag until the end of March.

Buschmann has to admit that the introduction of mandatory vaccinations still leaves many questions unanswered.

A commitment for older people and vulnerable groups is currently the most promising, he says.

The significantly younger doctor and TV doctor Johannes Wimmer is visibly annoyed by the discussion between the state representatives: "We are now talking about compulsory vaccination, where the train has long left." At some point the "eternal discussions" must be "over".

Otherwise, it's no wonder if people are slowly "fed up".

According to Wimmer, he initially rejected the comparison with the flu, but in the meantime the number of virus groups has actually converged, says the doctor.

With regard to Corona, politicians must finally make a commitment, says Wimmer - otherwise they will lose their credibility.

"From what number would we stop?" he wants to know, but gets no answer.

Virologist Helga Rübsamen-Schaeff gives another statistic: “We have 120,000 corona deaths.

Flu deaths per year 6000 to 10,000.”

Virologist: With the approval of the Covid 19 tablets, "Corona would have a different face"

Rübsamen-Schaeff is in favor of maintaining the strict measures - even if other European countries relax: "Germany is not ready yet".

The successful pharmaceutical entrepreneur is taking a stand for the drugs against Covid19 disease that are currently still in the approval process.

If these are available, "Corona will have a different face again."

Wimmer adds important medical advice to the statement: He would always prefer the vaccination to pills, which usually have much stronger side effects.

With regard to vaccinations in the future, Rübsamen-Schaeff warns to think about the distribution of new variant-adapted vaccines: "Who gets the new vaccines?"

At the end of the show, at least the FDP and CSU camps are realigned.

Holetschek announces that there is now a phase "where more normality is possible", but one remains "ready to brake if necessary".

Buschmann also finds that when freedoms are restricted, moderation is always the “mildest” means.

Since the health system is currently not at risk, now is the time to “talk about openings”.

His wish is few or no more measures.

The discussion should take place quickly, Buschmann: "Easter is too late".

On Friday, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) indicated that he would be open...

Conclusion of the "Maybrit Illner" talk

It was a bit like at the fair: Everyone was allowed to try the "Hau' den Söder".

The moaning raised the suspicion that too much was being argued about details and that the "big picture" but also the important dialogue was left behind.

Physician Wimmer referred to a lack of basic positioning by the federal government, which - it would be desirable - could perhaps be the subject of the upcoming program!

(Verena Schulemann) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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