The Limited Times

Zolling is flirting with a street worker job - cooperation with Hallbergmoos conceivable

2/11/2022, 11:12:07 AM

Zolling is flirting with a street worker job - cooperation with Hallbergmoos conceivable Created: 02/11/2022, 12:00 p.m By: Andreas Beschorner A street worker could take care of young people in Zolling who cannot find a connection. © dpa The municipality of Zolling is considering setting up a part-time job for mobile youth social work - and entering into a cooperation with Hallbergmoos. Zolli

Zolling is flirting with a street worker job - cooperation with Hallbergmoos conceivable

Created: 02/11/2022, 12:00 p.m

By: Andreas Beschorner

A street worker could take care of young people in Zolling who cannot find a connection.

© dpa

The municipality of Zolling is considering setting up a part-time job for mobile youth social work - and entering into a cooperation with Hallbergmoos.


– The need is there.

Especially in Corona times.

And that's why the Zollinger municipal council was sympathetic to the idea of ​​setting up a part-time position for mobile youth social work.

Fortunately, the community of Hallbergmoos also needs such a street worker for a part-time job, so that we can do things together.

And the district is also involved.

Street work, i.e. outreach youth social work, means on the one hand individual advice and support for young people, but can also offer clique and group work.

The target group is particularly the young people who have no connection in the village community, who do not know what to do with themselves and their time and therefore come up with all sorts of mischief, causing disturbances and worse, such as Zolling's youth officer Julia Spengler (UBZ) and 2nd Mayor Gottfried Glatt (CSU) described the situation.

The corona pandemic has also intensified this development in Zolling.

By the way: Everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.

Above all, young people without a club connection want to be “picked up”

A way out could be a professional, socio-educational and job-related help for integration and independence.

Above all, they would "pick up" young people without membership in a club.

In the course of the talks with the school social worker in Zolling and with the district youth worker Regina Cordary, it was found that the Hallbergmoos community would also like to hire a street worker, but there, like in Zolling, there was "only" a need for a half-time position.

The result: Zolling and Hallbergmoos want to share a job.

What does that mean in numbers?

For a full-time job, you have to calculate 52,000 euros, including ancillary wage costs around 66,000 euros.

Important: The district of Freising currently supports such positions with 50 percent, the rest would then have to be shared between Hallbergmoos and Zolling, so that the Ampertal municipality would ultimately have to bear 16,500 euros.

In the Zollinger municipal council, the opinion was clear: one should definitely seize the opportunity for funding and advocate the establishment of a half-time street worker position.

As Spengler said, this could also offer the opportunity to re-establish the Zollinger youth club.

According to the community website, it is closed until further notice and will open again as soon as a contact person has been found.

Nothing was decided on Tuesday, but all signs point to street work.

More current news from the district of Freising can be found here.

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