The Limited Times

Émilien Jacquelin: “I got the conquering Émilien back on the road”

2/12/2022, 2:05:52 PM

9th in the sprint on Saturday, the French biathlete is happy to have “taken over” and is aiming for the podium in the pursuit this Sunday (10:00 a.m.).

Our special correspondent in China

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Émilien, how did you feel in the sprint on Saturday?

Emilien Jacquelin:

In the end, I'm quite satisfied, not with the result of course, but I'm doing with my current skills.

It is true that the form is not optimal.

I feel that on skis, the last laps are complicated compared to what I experienced in November and December.

Afterwards, the time for questions will come after the Games.

Even if the truth, we know it.

My injury (a fractured radius last August), the delay in the whole preparation, he is paying for himself at the moment.

But I can't do anything about it, except give 100%.

During this sprint, I'm just happy to have got the conquering Émilien back on the road, which is daring and pulls naturally.

So yes, I didn't do 10 out of 10 but I think the 10 out of 10 or the 20 out of 20 will come that way.

And not by pretending to be another biathlete.

Lately, whether in January or here, I wanted to perform in a different way, which wasn't mine and I think you can't betray yourself to be successful.

How did you manage to go from 72nd place in the individual to 9th in the sprint?

It's always complicated as a moment.

First, there was the disappointment that I expressed here in front of you.

Then as I said, the next day was even harder.

I had to make this observation, to tell myself that what hurt my heart the most was not the result but the way.

This one didn't suit me, I didn't take any pleasure because I was doing things that didn't look like me.

Whether it's my titles in the past or my podiums, each time, I have obtained them by taking risks, by letting the natural speak.

Lately, that was no longer the case.

I was too focused on the technique, on shots more posed.

But it's not me, and probably it never will be.

This is definitely a learning curve for me.

And on this sprint,

That's good, during this pursuit, you will have to take risks to try to get back on the podium?

Yes, clearly.

You will have to dare, go there, play, and that's all I like.

I'm not going to say that I'm going to finish on the podium, but that will be my objective.

Have you talked a lot with your coaches?

Yes, I've talked a lot with Vincent (Vittoz) and Patrick (Favre) since the middle of January.

It was also difficult for them to understand why suddenly things weren't going well.

We discussed a lot about my way of seeing biathlon, about my personal life, about many things... All that to try to see what we could manage, or not.

Afterwards, what they told me was just to do what I know how to do.

But then it's all about self-confidence.

You also have to accept that my way of doing things is different from that of my predecessors who performed in France.

For me too, I have to break away from that and do Emilien Jacquelin, without wanting to be a copy of another athlete.

Does this sprint finally mark the real start of your Games?

I don't know… In the way, yes, because I'm very happy to regain the upper hand, to find a bit of ego and desire.

Then, the results do not depend only on me.

As I said, I can see that my form is not optimal, but we are coming to race formats where you also have to be a tactician, play a little with others.

On this, I think I have a small advantage over many.

So yes, my Games are launched and if I do what I know how to do, trusting myself, everything will be possible.