The Limited Times

Borràs joins a pro-independence protest against his own Government

2/12/2022, 7:59:50 PM

Some 500 people cut the traffic of the Meridiana despite the fact that the Department of the Interior relocated the demonstration to a pedestrian plaza

The president of the Parliament, Laura Borràs, at the Meridiana demonstration, this Saturday.

The president of the Parliament, Laura Borràs, has shown this Saturday her rejection of the Government's decision to end the daily cuts due to the independence protests on Meridiana avenue in Barcelona.

Some 500 protesters have taken advantage of the arrival of the Junts per Catalunya candidate in the last Catalan elections to cut off traffic on one of the city's entry routes, despite the fact that last Thursday the Department of the Interior agreed to change the conditions of the March.

Faced with numerous requests from the City Council, the Govern gave permission to Meridiana Resisteix to concentrate on the pedestrian square located in front of the Sant Andreu Renfe station.

When the court began there were some moments of tension between the protesters and the Mossos de Esquadra, who then stopped intervening.

Half a thousand #independentistas cut off the #Meridiana despite the ban on @interiorcat #Barcelona @MeridianaResis1 ( @LauraBorras was also present at the beginning of the protest) and @FrediBentanachs

– Alfonso Congostrina (@alfcongostrina) February 12, 2022

Meridiana Resisteix already warned that she would continue with her usual routine despite the decision of the Government, formed by Junts per Catalunya and ERC.

Since the conviction was made public, in October 2019, a few dozen people - who formed the Meridiana Resisteix collective - have been gathering in the Meridiana daily (with the exception of a few days at the beginning of the pandemic). ) and cut this artery to and from the city causing circulatory chaos and damage to neighbors and merchants.

After the Barcelona City Council, with reports from the Guardia Urbana, had asked the Interior on several occasions to put an end to this protest, the General Directorate of Security Administration of the Department of the Interior agreed to the change of venue and has communicated it to the Catalan National Assembly (ANC), which is the one who called the protest on a daily basis.