The Limited Times

Galthié after France-Ireland: "We got a little drunk after the break"

2/12/2022, 8:42:02 PM

The coach of the XV of France regrets a culpable release when his team led 22 to 7. But appreciates the reaction of pride, the collective pride, to recover during a hot last half hour.

Before this meeting, many presented Ireland as the big favourites.

Did it piss off your team?

Fabien Galthié:

The comments about them are deserved.

The Irish offer rugby.

Afterwards, each his own path, each his convictions

We had prepared to raise our cursor in all areas.

We also anticipated that everything would not work perfectly, but that if we combined a little bit of everything, we would be competitive against this team…

The Irish captain, James Ryan, wanted to silence the Stade de France.

What inspired you?


It's part of the game. They arrived with a series of 9 victories, provinces in great shape.

They had arguments and could be ambitious.

This is the kind of talk that carries your team.

We are okay.

I simply replied that we will see the answer on the ground.

This is where it counts...

Read alsoThe XV of France is scared against Ireland

Your players were very present in the battle of the rucks, yet the strong point of the Irish.

We were very compact, well in rhythm, on our defensive climbs in the first half, with interesting work from Antoine (Dupont) on the first curtain.

Like our way of impacting the ball carrier.

We probably got a little drunk after the break.

We neglected the collision a bit and we got into trouble in too many rucks with too fast exits.

We got out of our defensive project a bit in the second half.

The reaction of your team after a failed start to the second half shows its character?

You have to accept having weak times and limit their sometimes violent impact.

It happened against the All Blacks, it happened again.

We managed to regain control in physically and psychologically difficult conditions.

It's good for the team that it manages to find its organization.

This is a very positive victory for the collective experience.

A form of collective trust develops which permeates the team.

Read alsoThe notes of the Blues after France-Ireland: Alldritt, Jelonch and Cros at the heart of the fire

This victory is first of all that of pride?

The team is built on the field through results and performance.

The players have a strong character yes, convictions, ambitions.

It is a group inhabited by pride, pride.

There is a very strong collective dimension that allows us to get through difficult times.

They are on a mission.

What do you think of the incredible intensity match of your winger, Gabin Villière?

On Friday, when the jerseys were handed over, Gabin said in front of the team, “I'm going to be there.

I'm going to animate the war” He makes promises to his friends and he keeps them.

I like it when there are words and actions...

And the importance of the finishers of the front five, whose entry to raise the bar?

You can always adjust according to how you feel.

But we had prepared six forwards to take over fairly early, asking for a very, very strong commitment from the pack of forwards.

It's a tactical option that always involves a risk but it's been twice (

after the All Blacks

) that it has produced very positive effects.

France is already the only team to be able to achieve the Grand Slam in this Tournament…

First of all, we want to take advantage of this victory.

There, there is a mini fortnight's break after three fairly solid weeks, of very dense training.

This victory is good, it rewards all the players and all the staff.

Statements taken at a press conference