The Limited Times

Intensive care patient leaves Munich clinic after 85 days - and still denies Corona

2/12/2022, 7:59:51 AM

Intensive care patient leaves Munich clinic after 85 days - and still denies Corona Created: 02/12/2022, 08:55 By: Thomas Eldersch In the clinics in Munich - like here on the right side of the Isar - doctors and nurses have been fighting for the lives of seriously ill Covid patients for more than two years. © Peter Kneffel/dpa Clinic workers have been fighting for the life of a family man for

Intensive care patient leaves Munich clinic after 85 days - and still denies Corona

Created: 02/12/2022, 08:55

By: Thomas Eldersch

In the clinics in Munich - like here on the right side of the Isar - doctors and nurses have been fighting for the lives of seriously ill Covid patients for more than two years.

© Peter Kneffel/dpa

Clinic workers have been fighting for the life of a family man for almost three months.

However, he still does not believe in Corona and does not want to be vaccinated.

Munich – Omikron is currently determining the corona policy – ​​relaxation is on the agenda.

The spirit of the end of the pandemic is already floating around in people's heads.

But not so long ago, the Delta variant determined the course of infection in Germany and brought the intensive care units of the clinics to their limits.

The Munich clinic also struggled in its houses with overload and seriously ill Covid patients - but also with unvaccinated corona deniers.

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Munich fights 85 days against Corona - clinic describes the treatment

Doctors and nurses report on their experiences during the corona pandemic on the Munich Clinic website.

Under the motto "The people behind the numbers", a story revolves around an unvaccinated corona denier.

His life was always on the brink for 85 days.

When he was released after almost three months, his reaction was difficult for his rescuers to cope with.

The story - based on interviews with medical and nursing staff - begins with the start of the fourth wave.

At the end of summer 2021, the Delta variant spread more and more in Germany.

The intensive care units filled up.

One of the reasons was the vaccination rate, which was still too low.

There were many reasons for this, the site says: “Bad advice, language barriers, recklessness or active decision-making – there are many reasons why these people were not vaccinated.

Most have regretted it, but unfortunately others have not to this day.”

Protocol of a Covid disease - employees of the Munich clinic fight for corona deniers

One person who didn't regret it was Marian K. (name has been changed by the clinic).

The 45-year-old father - married, one son, normal weight - refused the vaccination.

In his opinion, the "Covid vaccines would contain embryo cells".

His story is further told in the form of a daily log.

Marian had his first symptoms on August 20, 2021. On August 31, he was taken to the hospital with severe shortness of breath.

He immediately receives "high-flow oxygen therapy" and is transferred to the intensive care unit.

His condition continued to deteriorate over the next two weeks.

On September 13, the doctors have no other choice.

It needs to be hooked up to an ECMO (artificial lung) machine.

Another seven days later Marian is still unstable.

His lungs are severely attacked - there is talk of "lung reconstruction".

On September 29, the 45-year-old catches another bacterial infection.

“Condition critical” and “The wife puts healing stones in the sickroom to support her husband;

she expresses doubts about the existence of the corona virus, ”the protocol continues.

On October 7th - that is, after more than a month in the hospital - Marian also developed thrombosis.

"Condition remains critical.

Wife summons a priest for the final anointing.” Then, surprisingly, the turning point.

His condition improves.

On October 18 - after 35 days - the ECMO can be shut down.

The 45-year-old continues to be ventilated, but suffers from panic, severe restricted mobility and swallowing disorders.

Ventilation can be stopped on November 1st.

Two days later, Marian comes to early rehabilitation at the Munich Clinic.

On November 23 - after 85 days - he is released.

The protocol states: "The patient still does not want to be vaccinated."

Clinic staff fights for the life of a corona denier and is snubbed

The attitude of the patient is difficult for the clinical staff to understand.

An employee is quoted at the end of the text as follows: "If I had known that ... we hear it again and again.

But there are also those who, even after weeks of ventilation, claim that none of this has anything to do with Covid.

This patient left us without a thank you, without a goodbye.

This is like a slap in the face for the team after almost three months of fighting.”


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