The Limited Times

Olympic Games, Doping: the Court of Arbitration for Sport will deliver its decision in the Valieva case on Monday

2/12/2022, 10:53:41 AM

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), seized by international sporting bodies after the lifting of the suspension by the Russian anti-doping...

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), seized by international sports authorities after the lifting of the suspension by Russian anti-doping of skater Kamila Valieva, will render its decision on Monday, he announced in a press release.

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  • Full results of the 2022 Winter Olympics

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Read alsoJO: In turmoil, Kamila Valieva bursts into tears in training (video)

Valieva, 15 and already crowned Olympic team champion in Beijing, tested positive for trimetazidine at the end of December.

Her participation in the women's Olympics-2022 event, which begins on Tuesday, is subject to the decision of the CAS.

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