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Presidential election on Sunday: Federal Assembly with Merkel – Steinmeier's wife announces a new job

2/12/2022, 7:36:41 PM

Presidential election on Sunday: Federal Assembly with Merkel – Steinmeier's wife announces a new job Created: 02/12/2022, 20:26 By: Cindy Boden After 2017, the Federal Assembly will now meet again in 2022: the election of the Federal President is imminent. While the outcome seems clear, the trappings could be exciting. On February 13, the Federal Assembly meets to elect the Federal President*

Presidential election on Sunday: Federal Assembly with Merkel – Steinmeier's wife announces a new job

Created: 02/12/2022, 20:26

By: Cindy Boden

After 2017, the Federal Assembly will now meet again in 2022: the election of the Federal President is imminent.

While the outcome seems clear, the trappings could be exciting.

  • On February 13, the Federal Assembly meets to elect the Federal President*.

  • Because of the Corona conditions, the event will look a little different.

  • Frank-Walter Steinmeier can hope for another term.

  • This

    news ticker on the Federal Assembly and the election of the Federal President

    is continuously updated.

Berlin - On Sunday, a body meets that usually only forms every five years: the Federal Assembly.

It is about the election of the Federal President.

Although the outcome of the election seems largely clear, the trappings on February 13th will be special again.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier should be able to add another term as Federal President.

This is what politicians assume.

Because with the support of the traffic light and the Union, he has a broad majority in the Federal Assembly - which, by the way, this time will also include ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel - behind him.

It consists of a total of 1472 members, 736 members of the Bundestag and just as many delegates who send the 16 state parliaments.

It's supposed to start at 12 noon on Sunday.

Election by the Federal Assembly: "Frank-Walter Steinmeier is a very good Federal President"

Before the presidential election, several parliamentary groups came together for the final preparatory meetings.

Incumbent Frank-Walter Steinmeier presented himself again to the SPD and CDU/CSU.

He was already involved in an online conference with the Greens on Friday evening.

"Frank-Walter Steinmeier* is a very good and highly respected Federal President," said parliamentary group leaders Britta Haßelmann and Katharina Dröge afterwards.

There is no doubt about Steinmeier's re-election.

Nevertheless, he has opponents*.

For the Left Gerhard Trabert goes into the race.

The AfD suggested Max Otte – a personality that caused a lot of fuss beforehand.

And the Free Voters nominated their own candidate again: Stefanie Gebauer.

Federal President: Steinmeier's wife is looking forward to a possible second term

"If my husband is re-elected, that is a special reason for him and for me to be happy and grateful," said Steinmeier's wife Elke Büdenbender* before the election to the newspapers of the

Funke media group.

"I hope that the pandemic will give us the chance to really take off."

For her, the possible second term will be different simply because she will also work as a judge.

She loves her job and now, at 60, has the opportunity to go back to the Berlin Administrative Court.

"I would also find it wrong for myself not to do that," she said.

But she wants to continue to work for young people and women, for participation, equality and educational equality.

Therefore, "my husband and I are convinced that it is best if I go on to be both a judge and a first lady."

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier speaks in Bellevue Palace: he wants to be re-elected on Sunday (archive photo).

© Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

Federal President is elected: Corona conditions change the situation

Visually, this federal assembly in 2022 will present different images than before.

Because of Corona, the MPs and delegates meet on Sunday in the Paul-Löbe-Haus *, not in the plenary hall of the Reichstag building.

In addition, everyone present needs a negative corona test.

There is an FFP2 mask obligation and the obligation to keep a distance of 1.5 meters.

As head of state, the Federal President is the highest-ranking representative of the state in terms of protocol.

He is responsible for tasks such as forming a government and drafting laws*.

(cibo/dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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