The Limited Times

Protests in Austria against compulsory vaccination against Corona

2/12/2022, 6:06:25 PM

Vienna, SANA- Thousands of people demonstrated in the streets of the Austrian capital, Vienna, against the restrictions of the Corona pandemic and the vaccination


Thousands of people demonstrated in the streets of the Austrian capital, Vienna, against the restrictions of the Corona pandemic and the mandatory vaccination against the virus.

The massive demonstration began in Heldenplatz, where demonstrators spread along the main street, the Ringstraße, partially restricting traffic.

The demonstrators raised banners reading (No to compulsory vaccination) and (My body is my decision) and chanted various slogans, including (Resistance), while a police helicopter patrolled in the sky above the demonstrators.

The mandatory vaccination law against the Corona virus in Austria entered into force on the fifth of this February and applies to all persons over the age of 18 and registered in Austria.

As of March 15, the police will monitor compliance with the obligation, and the maximum fine during the year may reach 3.6 thousand euros.

The total deaths from the Corona virus in Austria reached 14,360, while the total number of infections reached 2,248,713.

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