The Limited Times

Putin to Macron: There is no tangible response from Washington and NATO to security guarantees

2/12/2022, 5:53:42 PM

Moscow, SANA- Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed during a phone call today with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron


Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed during a phone call today with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron the absence of a concrete response from Washington and NATO to the security guarantees demanded by Moscow.

And the Russia Today website quoted the Kremlin as saying in a statement that the two presidents discussed, during a call that came at the initiative of the French side, provocative allegations about the plans of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and that these allegations were used as a cover for pumping weapons into Ukraine and creating appropriate conditions for Kiev government forces to take aggressive steps in the Donbass region.

The statement added that the two presidents exchanged views in detail on issues related to providing long-term legal security guarantees to Russia and overcoming the current impasse in settling the internal Ukrainian conflict, taking into account Macron's consultations with the leaders of Ukraine, the United States and a number of European countries.

The statement added that Putin once again drew attention to the lack of a meaningful response from the United States and NATO to the well-known Russian initiatives, stressing the lack of any desire on the part of the main Western powers in Kiev to implement the Minsk agreements, and this matter became evident again by the lack of any results in the meeting. Normandy Quartet.

It is noteworthy that this call came as a continuation of the consultations that took place between the two presidents during Macron's visit to Moscow earlier this week, during which the two presidents agreed to follow up on these issues between them.

On the 17th of last December, the Russian Foreign Ministry submitted draft agreements on security guarantees that it expects to obtain from Washington and NATO, obligating the United States and NATO to stop expansion towards the east, specifically dropping plans to grant NATO membership to Ukraine and imposing restrictions on the deployment of dangerous offensive weapons. Including nuclear weapons.