The Limited Times

Six Nations Tournament: "The group is inhabited by pride, pride", Fabien Galthié is satisfied with his Blues

2/12/2022, 9:11:51 PM

Victorious over Ireland (30-24) at the Stade de France this Saturday evening, the Blues delighted their coach who saw similarities with the su

Tested negative for Covid-19 earlier this week, Fabien Galthié, the coach forced to follow the first match of the Tournament on TV last Sunday against Italy (37-10), was able to sit down this time in the stands of the Stade de France and witnessing this Saturday evening the victory of the Blues during the summit meeting against Ireland (30-24).

As usual, Fabien Galthié remained measured even if these words did not hide an intense satisfaction.

Was Ireland as strong as advertised?


The comments about it are deserved.

Everyone follows their path, their route, their convictions.

We knew that we had to raise our cursor in all areas.

We had anticipated that not everything would work out perfectly, but we knew that if we found a good balance, we would be competitive.

It happened like this.

As against the All Blacks (40-25) in November, the Blues were able to resist the return of the Irish, how do you explain it?

Against these teams, you have to accept having weak times and manage to limit their impact which is sometimes violent.

We managed to regain control in conditions that were particularly difficult physically, psychologically and strategically, a bit like against the All Blacks, it's true.

It's good for the team because beyond the victory which is very very positive there is the collective experience which is developing.

What makes your team special?

A team is built on the field through its results and performance.

The players have convictions, ambitions.

The group is inhabited by pride, pride.

There is a collective dimension that allows us to get through difficult times because no player feels in difficulty when he makes a mistake.

The most important thing is to get up and help others.

We live a lot with this feeling of pride.

How did you find Gabin Villière, very active all over the field, including in the rucks?

When handing over the jerseys, Gabin said in front of the team: "I'm going to be there, I'm going to animate the war".

He had words and deeds followed.

He makes promises to his friends and he keeps them.

What will this success bring you?

We have a mini-truce before going to Scotland (February 26), we want to spend time together and enjoy this victory.

It will do everyone good because we have worked a lot for three weeks, players and staff.

We will recover well.